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The struggle of the honorable Palestinian fighter, Sheikh Adnan Khodr...

February 16, 2012 - Immediately after his arrest in Arrabe,located in the province of Jenin, on December 10, Sheikh Adnan Khodr, the political leader of Islamic Jihad movement in Palestine, began a hunger strike to protest against the conditions of his arrest, and his interrogation conducted by the security services of the Zionist state. Inside the walls of the room used for interrogation, the Zionist torturers began to insult and humiliate the Palestinian leader, aimed to crush and destroy him, morally and psychologically. Despite the torture Sheikh Adnan Khodr declared his refusal to answer questions - and began a hunger strike indefinitely...


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The struggle of the honorable Palestinian fighter, Sheikh Adnan Khodr...

By Hiyam Noir & Fadwa Nassar

February 16, 2012

Immediately after his arrest in Arrabe,located in the province of Jenin, on December 10, Sheikh Adnan Khodr, the political leader of Islamic Jihad movement in Palestine, began a hunger strike to protest against the conditions of his arrest, and his interrogation conducted by the security services of the Zionist state. Inside the walls of the room used for interrogation, the Zionist torturers began to insult and humiliate the Palestinian leader, aimed to crush and destroy him, morally and psychologically. Despite the torture Sheikh Adnan Khodr declared his refusal to answer questions - and began a hunger strike indefinitely.

Humiliation is a regular practice of the Zionist occupant. In its relationship with the colonized the colonizers fundamental aim is to destroy the resistance of the colonized people, belittle its representatives and high rank officers to that of "sub-ordinates", not only with racist terminology and using hateful slurs,( which indicate the characteristic of weakness, self-contempt and ignoramuses of the occupant ) - but also to avenge the people who refuses to obey to the peculiar irrational mindset of the Zionists. It is by hunger strike, Sheikh Khodr Adnan refused to obey the law of the occupant, with the motto: "My dignity comes before my hunger and thirst."

Very quickly, the Palestinian leader proclaimed his refusal to the arrest, and the administrative detention.So does, since the occupation of Palestine ( Nakba), all the symbols of resistance in the Palestinian society: the journalists and the writers, the political leaders and the activists and the MPs of the Palestinian Authority.

More than three hundred prominent Palestinians from the West Bank are living under the disheartening conditions of administrative detention - jailed and "judged" by a Zionist "military court",which are using secret files composed and assembled by their security services.The administrative detention is the most arbitrary measure taken by the occupier. Aimed at breaking the backs and the minds of the Palestinian people’s determination to resist, to bring an end to the criminal Zionist occupation.This practice ( administrative detention), which still relies on the so called emergency laws, implemented by the British occupiers, was applied in the territories occupied in 1967. Furthermore, on the territories occupied in 1948, the practice of the occupier is to officiate a "house arrest", (since the political activists are deemed "dangerous") for the safety of the Zionist occupant, and the future outcome of his unconstitutional enterprise.

For over fifty days, Sheikh Adnan Khodr endured the pain and distress of a hunger strike. He was transferred by his torturers from prison to hospital, and then from another hospital to a special clinic, threatened by violent forced-feeding. They: the Zionist bogeymen, dangled the carrot and the stick, to make it flexible, but Sheikh Adnan Khodr holds out. Of course, he refused to adhere to the medical service of the occupant.He become a subject to blackmail at the hands of the Zionist prison authorities.He demanded a Palestinian doctor.

In an attempt to force the prisoners to stop the hunger strike October last year, did the Israelis not remove the salt in the prisons of the occupant? However, this time around, Sheikh Adnan Khodr removed this blackmail. He simply refused to use salt.(To avoid serious health complications during a hunger-strike, one-half teaspoon of salt should be taken together with five or six pints of water every day.)

The unwavering commitment to continue the hunger-strike until the end, risking his own life, was not known to many, neither by the Zionists, nor by many commentators and human rights activists. A prominent Sheikh of Yafa was sent to convince Sheikh Adnan Khodr to stop his protest. However, after meeting with the Palestinian leader the Sheikh from Yafa said that, instead of convincing Adnan Khodr to stop his hunger strike to save his life, Sheikh Adnan Khodr was convinced of the correctness in his protest, the scope thereof, and despite his weakened health conditions, Adnan Khodr kept his standard of rights conduct.

It took more than forty five days of hunger strike, which result was a successful extension of popular solidarity among prisoners, including among the prisoners of the Islamic Jihad movement, to begin an unlimited hunger strike.In the news media the event of the prisoner’s strike movement spread like fire, as did the indefinite strike - or length of the strike for a general protest against administrative detention.

The prisoners of the Islamic Jihad movement were hoarded away for isolation.This is the ordinary practice of the occupant, who intends to punish those who transgress against it’s unethical laws and standards. What Sheikh Adnan Khodr launched in October last year, during his indefinite hunger strike against isolation, is a measure that will have an effect on political and military leaders of the Palestinian resistance. As the administrative detention - isolation is the means designed by the occupant to break the will and back of the resistance to humiliate them.

Despite denunciation by international organizations and the United Nations against human rights violations, the administrative detention – isolation conducted by the Zionist entity continues. It manifests its overbearing and inordinate self-esteem, no need to worry at all for reprisal actions from United Nations or retaliations from the resistance or it’s supporters around the globe.
Most legal writings must be backed up by assertions and statements with citations to an authority. Legal specialists in the field could change things around, as the experience of history proves since the time of the occupation of Palestine. Thus, we the writers of this article, after lengthy and extremely careful and diligent research can not find what we are looking for : Detailed reports written in a legal technical language, which express legal analyses that rely on authority.

This is the reason why families of the prisoners in the Gaza Strip, decided to receive the chairman of the UN, the UN Secretary Ban Ki Moon, with slogans hostile to his presence in Gaza or Ramallah. They found his presence provocative. Provocative, because he refused to receive the families of the more than 5000 prisoners, whether from Gaza or Ramallah. Ban Ki Moon also indicated unwillingness to accept the receipt of a letter addressed to him, penned down by these families and some advocacy groups of the prisoners. He preferred to barricade him self in a pseudo-legality, and the receipt of the letter sent to him in personal, was returned by third parties.

Mr.Ban Ki Moon proved that he in his duty assignment as the highest ranking ambassador of the United Nations, does not have the requirements expected, he does not pay attention to the security of the thousands of Palestinian prisoners languishing in jails of the Zionist occupant, and the demands of their families.Yet he had continuously contacts throughout the capture of the Zionist ravager, Gilad Shalit, with this man’s family and sends his sympathies to them.This is the standing of the UN, the policy of UN, it’s leader and its human rights organization reject the families of the Palestinian prisoners as a group.

Noteworthy, they, the UN, had in mind a secret agreement in cahoots with another international organization, the ICRC, the (International Committee of the Red Cross ), in order to obtain a judicial decision with a wrongful purpose.This flagrant conduct by the highest emissary of the United Nations allowed the Zionist occupant, twice, to enter the premises of the ICRC, to abduct members of al-Quds, who had taken refuge in ICRC, to protest against the decision of their deportation from their city, al-Quds .

After all hardship the organized protest launched by the families of the prisoners have established itself, without support from the "international community" which are maintaining the brutal occupation of their country: The blockade of Gaza, facilitating the Judaization of their city of al-Quds, and keeping its silence on the inhuman conditions imposed on Palestinian prisoners.

The families of the Palestinian prisoners captive, are forwarding this message to the "international community", it should also be widely shared by Palestinians under occupation or in exile, including the Palestinian leader Sheikh Adnan Khodr.

This is our true commitment, in our course of action indestructible by our will, we will change the situation.By our resistance, we will manage to liberate our country.The great significance of the struggle of Sheikh Adnan Khodr is: no force in the world can break the will of a man or a people, when deciding to go all the way, this is the victory or martyrdom, which also is a victory of immeasurable size.

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:: Article nr. 85772 sent on 17-feb-2012 14:35 ECT


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