October 10, 2005
It's becoming apparent to even the most avid Bush loyalist, that the
current charlatan-in-chief has been the greatest catastrophe in the nation's
200 year history. Regrettably, there are strong indications that the
Crawford albatross is planning to pull us further downward towards the ocean
At present, the republic is buckling beneath the weight of deception,
violence and incompetence. In Iraq, the plan to chop up the country into
three smaller parts is moving ahead despite the intensity of the resistance
or the objections of the Sunni minority. Bush has assumed the mantle of an
Iraqi Jefferson Davis championing the merits of reformation and regional
autonomy. The new constitution provides only the thinnest cover for a neocon
master-plan that destroys what little is left of Iraqi society while
legitimizing a permanent American occupation. Al Jaafari, Talibani, Chalabi
and the long list of rogues and collaborators have made their Faustian
bargain with their US overlords and put their country on a course that will
result in decades of hardship and slaughter; all for what?
A mottled earthen hut in the world's most perilous gated community; the
green zone?
At home the effects of Bush's rule have been equally harsh. The
anarchic Bush has rummaged through the Bill of Rights like a draught-horse
in a steeple-case. No statute, law or amendment has escaped his withering
attention. One by one, he's savaged the constitutional protections that once
shielded the citizen from the long-arm of the state. He's cut through 800
years of English and American jurisprudence like the Grim Reaper on saint's
day; leaving nothing behind but the gulags that house his victims.
In the next six months the country will face its greatest challenge
since the Civil War. The confluence of potential threats is unprecedented.
Experts are predicting that oil supplies will not meet demand in the first
quarter of 2006. This is bound to cause skyrocketing prices, long lines at
gas stations, a downward-trend in the economy, and a declining dollar. The
American economic landscape, already full of potholes, is heading for an
even bumpier road ahead. The soaring deficits, the jobless recovery, the
humongous housing bubble, and a personal savings rate lower than any time
since the Great Depression; all foreshadow an end to the giddy Clinton-era
prosperity. Meanwhile, the Bush troupe is on a spending-bacchanal that's put
the country on the fast-track to ruin. Bush is like the girl who couldn't
say no; shoveling out the bucket-loads of cash to every mega-corporation
that lines up at the White House lawn with a begging bowl in hand.
A quick review of Iraq, (where the $18 billion in reconstruction money
vanished into the flannel pockets of Bush constituents) or New Orleans (the
next destination for the ravenous corporate parasites) shows that the
well-oiled system of cronyism is in full meltdown mode. There's simply not
enough payola to fill the coffers of every crook in the Bush phone
The market is getting increasingly anxious with the drunken
spending-frenzy and needs only the slightest shove to put it into a
nosedive. As Allan Greenspan admitted, the spending is "out of control," and
yet, the stealing continues unabated. No Fed-chieftain or money-managing
magician is strong enough to rescue the drowning economy from its doldrums.
The rock-hard foundation of fiscal solvency has been utterly abandoned.
America's energy future is looking even more tenuous than the economy.
Oil supplies are stretched to the limit and available resources are reaching
the point of diminishing returns. The double-whammy of Katrina and Rita has
put the entire Gulf region on life-support making our dependence on foreign
oil greater than ever.
Its no wonder the Bush administration chose Iraq as the second domino
in its global crusade. The oil business is built on projections and we can
be reasonably certain that they saw that the wiggle-room was disappearing
from the market. The collection of corporate kingpins in the administration
is not persuaded by sentimentality; they don't trudge off to war for freedom
or democracy, but cold-hard cash. The chance to control the last of the
world's oil proved irresistibly seductive; especially since it was the only
way to perpetuate the caste-system that has dominated the planet since the
eighteenth century. It's impossible to imagine that Bush or his fellows
would abdicate what they believe is their birthright; the continuation of
elite-white-male rule into perpetuity.
But now, of course, they've hit a glitch. Iraq has changed from cakewalk
to quagmire in a matter of months and the entire project is going sideways.
The combination of poor planning, insufficient numbers of troops and the
most inept civilian leadership in Pentagon history has torpedoed the Bush
strategy to extend the realm and secure vital oil supplies. In other words,
we're up the creek.
Bad luck follows Bush like a shadow. Another 3 years and the frogs and
locusts will be collecting at the borders ready to pick the last flaccid
strands of flesh off the American dream. Even barring another onslaught of
biblical-type hurricanes; the steady militarization, the flat-lining
economy, and the bird flu will certainly finish us off. The first major
wrinkles in the oil supply are expected sometime in January. We can assume
the credit-weary, over-extended American public will be gasping for air
shortly thereafter.
It was a great run while it lasted. We reached Olympus long enough to
unfurl the banner before tumbling back down to terra firma. What more can we
expect? Maybe we should just quietly take our seats on the USS Hindenburg
and let our madcap captain point us towards the blackest thundercloud on the
We're doomed anyway.
Courtesy & Copyright © Mike Whitney