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In George Galloways Own Words, Let Us Bury Bush!

American people that while this absentee government approved of the war in Iraq and spent billions doing so, these funds could have been better used to clean up after such catastrophes. As corporations who run our government made out like bandits where our government gave them billions and with the tax breaks to those who do not need it, this is our time to fight back with everything we have to muster...


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In George Galloways Own Words, Let Us Bury Bush!

Mary MacElveen, Radio Left

August 31, 2005

To My Fellow Americans,

It is especially important in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina to remind the American people that while this absentee government approved of the war in Iraq and spent billions doing so, these funds could have been better used to clean up after such catastrophes.

As corporations who run our government made out like bandits where our government gave them billions and with the tax breaks to those who do not need it, this is our time to fight back with everything we have to muster.

We must stand shoulder to shoulder with those that have been speaking the truth and there are three names that come to mind. They are of course heroes to democracy and their names are, MP George Galloway, Cindy Sheehan and of course my personal hero, President Hugo Chavez.

Please pass around this link where folks can then listen to an abbreviated version of MP George Galloway’s testimony before the senate subcommittee looking into the oil for food scandal. Hear his remarkable words, his inspirational words and words of great courage and more importantly where he speaks to the truth. People are suffering today not only because of Hurricane Katrina but because this absentee government has not held Bush’s feet to the fire to get the people’s business done. This government sat idly by and funded a war based on a "pack of lies" http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article8866.htm

As we pray for those who are suffering in the aftermath of this horrific hurricane, in their memory let us fight back. Let us expose the duplicity and dishonesty of the Bush administration to all. He spent billions ending lives instead of using those billions to help a suffering people.

Mary MacElveen!

"Senator, in everything I said about Iraq, I turned out to be right and you turned out to be wrong and 100,000 people paid with their lives; 1600 of them American soldiers sent to their deaths on a pack of lies; 15,000 of them wounded, many of them disabled forever on a pack of lies." George Galloway to US Senate Committee 5/17/05

:: Article nr. 15242 sent on 31-aug-2005 22:39 ECT


Link: blog.radioleft.com/blog/_archives/2005/8/31/1185511.html

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