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GI Special 5C15: "There Is A Sense Of Betrayal" - MARCH 15, 2007

In a small but growing sign of dissent, a group of active-duty military personnel and reservists, including many who have served in Iraq, is denouncing the war and asking Congress for the prompt withdrawal of troops. The service members, who number more than 1,600, have sent an Appeal for Redress to their Congressional representatives, a form of protest permitted by military rules. Most of those who signed the appeal, at www.appealforredress.org , are enlisted soldiers in the Army, from the lowest to the highest ranks...


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GI Special 5C15: "There Is A Sense Of Betrayal" - MARCH 15, 2007

Thomas F. Barton


GI Special:



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[Thanks to Katie GY, The Military Project]



"There Is A Sense Of Betrayal," Said Spc. Linsay Burnett:

The Troops Were Feeling "Used And Abused"

"We Need People To Be Sticking Up For Us, Because Nobody Else Is"


February 28, 2007 By LIZETTE ALVAREZ, The New York Times


In a small but growing sign of dissent, a group of active-duty military personnel and reservists, including many who have served in Iraq, is denouncing the war and asking Congress for the prompt withdrawal of troops.


The service members, who number more than 1,600, have sent an Appeal for Redress to their Congressional representatives, a form of protest permitted by military rules. Most of those who signed the appeal, at www.appealforredress.org, are enlisted soldiers in the Army, from the lowest to the highest ranks.


"There is a sense of betrayal," said Specialist Linsay Burnett, 26, who recently returned from Iraq with the First Brigade combat team of the 101st Airborne Division, based at Fort Campbell, on the border of Kentucky and Tennessee. The division is readying for its third deployment.


"These soldiers stand up to fight, to protect their country, but we are now on the fifth reason as to why it is we are in Iraq," added Specialist Burnett, who has served as a public affairs specialist and as a military journalist focusing primarily on the infantry.


"How many reasons are we going to come up with for keeping us over there?"


In a phone call yesterday with three signatories, including Petty Officer Hutto, the service members said their decision to appeal had not been taken lightly.  The military does not allow service members to organize and frowns on dissent.


"The Army has many ways to make your life very difficult," Specialist Burnett said, adding that she had come forward largely because "there are not many voices out there for the men on the ground."


Jeff Slocum, a chief master sergeant of the Air Force who is scheduled to deploy to Iraq next year, said his high rank was one reason he had signed the appeal. 


"I’m not antiwar, I’m not antimilitary," said Chief Master Sergeant Slocum, who added that the troops were feeling "used and abused."  That 1,600 service members have signed the appeal "shows just how much we are willing to risk," he said. 


"We are trying to raise awareness that we need people to be sticking up for us, because nobody else is."


Check It Out:



"The single largest failure of the anti-war movement at this point is the lack of outreach to the troops."  Tim Goodrich, Iraq Veterans Against The War


Do you have a friend or relative in the service?  Forward GI Special along, or send us the address if you wish and we’ll send it regularly.  Whether in Iraq or stuck on a base in the USA, this is extra important for your service friend, too often cut off from access to encouraging news of growing resistance to the war, inside the armed services and at home.  Send email requests to address up top or write to: The Military Project, Box 126 , 2576 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10025-5657






Three U.S. Soldiers Killed,

9 Wounded In One Diyala Firefight


March 14, 2007 Multi National Corps Iraq Public Affairs Office, Camp Victory RELEASE No. 20070314-10


TIKRIT, Iraq – Two Soldiers died as a result of injuries sustained from explosions near their vehicles in separate attacks.


Task Force Lightning Soldiers were attacked while conducting combat operations in Diyala province Wednesday.


Another Soldier died as a result of injuries sustained from small arms fire.


Nine Soldiers were wounded and taken to a Coalition medical facility for treatment.



Baghdad IED Kills One U.S. Soldier, Wounds One


3.14.07 Public Affairs Office, Camp Victory RELEASE No. 20070313-23


March 13, a MND-B unit struck a roadside bomb while conducting these types of combined security operations in a northeastern section of the Iraqi capital, killing one Soldier and wounding another.



Marine Killed In Anbar


3.14.07 Public Affairs Office, Camp Victory RELEASE No. 20070314-03


CAMP FALLUJAH, Iraq –A Marine assigned to Multi National Force-West was killed

Mar. 13 while conducting combat operations in Al Anbar Province.



82nd Sgt. Killed Near Dawr


Sgt. Daniel E. Woodcock, 25, was killed this weekend in a bombing while he patrolled in Iraq, the 82nd Airborne Division said March 13, 2007.  Woodcock died from wounds he received when a bomb exploded while on patrol March 11, 2007 near Dawr, Iraq. (AP Photo/82nd Airborne Division)



Colville Paratrooper Dreamed Of Becoming A Doctor


Mar 9 COLVILLE, Wash. (AP)


Spc. Ryan Bell joined the Army hoping to eventually become a doctor.  That dream was cut short this week when a bomb exploded near the paratrooper’s vehicle in Iraq, killing him and five other soldiers.


The 21-year-old from Colville attended the Riverside Military Academy in Gainesville, Ga. He graduated in 2003 and had many college scholarship offers, said his father, Michael Bell of Colville. Instead, the younger Bell decided to join the Army, hoping his training and GI bill would help him become a doctor.


"There’s no regrets at this end," Michael Bell said. "He was a responsible young man, he was sensible, he knew what he wanted to do with his life."


The young man joined the Army in 2004 and was assigned to the 82nd Airborne division at Fort Bragg in January 2005. He was a member of Company C, 2nd Battalion, 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team.


His father said he enjoyed outdoor recreation, singing, dancing and watching sports. "He was a walking sports encyclopedia," Michael Bell said.


The two last talked Saturday.  "I let him know how much he meant to us," Bell said. "How we were very proud of him and very pleased with what he was doing with his life."


Since his son’s death Monday in Iraq’s Salahuddin province, Michael Bell said he’s heard from staff members at his son’s military academy, been stopped on the street in town and even taken a call from Iraq from his son’s commanding officer.


Bell is survived by his wife, Terri, of Fayetteville, N.C.; mother Sheryl Vickery, of Spokane; father, and stepmother Virginia Bell, of Colville.


A military-style funeral is planned later this month in Eastern Washington.






A U.S., Army Bradley vehicle rolls by during an operation in eastern Baghdad, Dec. 31, 2006.  (AP Photo/Darko Vojinovic)



Well, So Much For Bush’s Surge:

February Car Bombs Set A New Record


March 15, 2007 REUTERS


BAGHDAD - Car bombs in Baghdad, at a record high in February, remain a serious concern despite a month-old United States-backed crackdown.  [Probably more than a "serious concern" if you have one detonate in your immediate vicinity.]



Notes From A Lost War:

"Then There Was An Explosion, But Not The One They Were Waiting For"


March 14, 2007 By Christian Berthelsen, Los Angeles Times [Excerpts]


BAGHDAD -- The US-led convoy had been idling for at least an hour, waiting for a bomb squad to detonate a sizable haul of explosives uncovered in raids on the Eskan neighborhood of south Baghdad, a dense warren of narrow streets teeming with insurgents and roadside bombs.


Then there was an explosion, but not the one they were waiting for.


The convoy was under attack.


Snipers had thrown a grenade, followed by the loud, rapid hammer of automatic weapon fire from a rooftop and from behind a fuel tank.  American and Iraqi soldiers returned fire. No one was hit, and the snipers melted back into the neighborhood.


So went another typical day in the joint US-Iraqi government security crackdown war against an unseen enemy.


For the more than 30 American soldiers assigned to enter the Eskan neighborhood on Sunday, the day began at 3 a.m. when they rolled out of Forward Operating Base Falcon, a few miles to the south. Their goal was to capture a sniper who had been wounded in a previous gun battle with US-led forces and to search for hidden caches of weapons.


The plan was to meet their Iraqi counterparts at their base and begin the raids by 4 a.m., while still under the cover of darkness.


Once at the Iraqi national police outpost, however, there were other priorities.


The Iraqi officers invited the Americans to join them for a breakfast of chai tea, flatbread and hard-boiled eggs. 


The informants, who were brought in to review maps and confirm targets, disagreed on locations.


The original plan was mostly scrapped, in favor of fewer targets.  As a result, the US asked the Iraqis to reduce the size of their force, but they demurred. By then it was nearly 5 a.m.


After a slow crawl into the crowded neighborhood, the convoy stopped and the soldiers jumped out of their Humvees, running low and fast through the street.


They raided two homes, separating wailing women and girls from frightened and silent men and boys.


No weapons were found in either household and the occupants insisted they had done nothing wrong.








A damaged police van with blood stains on the ground, after an attack in Khost province, east of Kabul, Afghanistan March 14, 2007.  A bomber on foot blew himself up near a police convoy.  (AP Photo/Nashanuddin Khan)










The casket containing the remains of 19-year-old Marine Pfc. Tarryl Hill, St. Paul Tabernacle Church, following Hill’s funeral in Detroit, Michigan February 16, 2007.  Hill was killed in Fallujah. REUTERS/Rebecca Cook



Iraq Veterans Against The War Members To Speak Out On The Crisis In Military And VA Health Care;

Friday Is Iraq Veterans Day In Watertown, New York


March 14, 2007 Citizen Soldier


Matt Howard, Drew Cameron, and Matt Hrutkay, all recent veterans of combat in Iraq and members of the Iraq Veterans Against War (IVAW) will speak in Watertown, N Y on Friday, March 16th at two venues.


12:30 pm, Jefferson Community College, Jules Center Auditorium


6:00 pm. Reception and 7:00 pm talk at the Different Drummer internet cafe, 12 Paddock Arcade, 1 Public Square , downtown Watertown


Hrutkay served his Army tour at Ft Drum before being discharged in November 2006


Citizen Soldier (Drummer's sponsor--phone) (212) 679-2250


Different Drummer cafe (315) 782-0595  www.differentdrummercafe.org







Assorted Resistance Action


13 Mar 2007 & 14 Mar 2007 Reuters & Aljazeera


Guerrillas killed two police officers and wounded another on Tuesday night in a drive-by shooting in the southern city of Diwaniya, 180 km (110 miles) south of Baghdad, police said.


Insurgents opened fire on the car of a judge named Omar Abdul Nabi in Karrada in central Baghdad, killing him and two other people and wounding one person, a police source said.


Guerrillas killed three off-duty policemen just south of Hilla, 100 km (60 miles) south of Baghdad, a hospital source said and killed two policemen in the northern city of Mosul, 390 km (240 miles) north of Baghdad, police said.









At a time like this, scorching irony, not convincing argument, is needed.  Oh had I the ability, and could reach the nation’s ear, I would, pour out a fiery stream of biting ridicule, blasting reproach, withering sarcasm, and stern rebuke.  For it is not light that is needed, but fire; it is not the gentle shower, but thunder.  We need the storm, the whirlwind, and the earthquake.  Frederick Douglas, 1852



One day while I was in a bunker in Vietnam, a sniper round went over my head.  The person who fired that weapon was not a terrorist, a rebel, an extremist, or a so-called insurgent.  The Vietnamese individual who tried to kill me was a citizen of Vietnam, who did not want me in his country.  This truth escapes millions.


Mike Hastie

U.S. Army Medic

Vietnam 1970-71

December 13, 2004





From: Mike Hastie

To: GI Special

Sent: March 13, 2007




Sometimes it takes years for betrayal to surface,

and start attacking the belief system.

The Veteran fights if off with denial and anger

that is usually directed at the wrong people.

The anger builds and builds, until one day something

hits a vulnerable pocket of pain.

Suddenly, a door opens, and all of that suppressed grief

comes pouring out.

Like a huge red flash, " Looking For A Few Good Men,"

goes down the drain.

You can't stop crying.

You can't stop shaking.

You can't hold anything back anymore.

In all of that frightening bereavement,

the Truth is born.

You suddenly realize, you were brutally betrayed by your

own government, and left to die.

I felt like I walked into an ambush.

It was like having a lifelong mentor turn on me,

and become my worst enemy.

The faces of death I experienced in Vietnam,

surfaced with such vivid detail.

For What?

The only glory in war is in the imagination

of those who were never there.

These lies have been passed down from

generation to generation.

My grief eventually turned to rage,

as I saw how War Profiteering and Politics

were behind all of that betrayal.

Door after emotional door kept opening.

The war was staged from the very beginning.

The word Patriotism, became a sham to control people.

As a soldier, being USED for mass consumption,

was the ultimate wound.

I was duped.


The war destroyed the lives of millions of people.

More innocent civilians were killed than combatants.

Empire is so clever.

I never knew what hit me.


Mike Hastie

U.S. Army Medic

Vietnam 1970-71

March 9, 2007




The Photograph:


This is a picture of a close Vietnam Veteran friend who is on a brick walkway that is part of the 11 acres of the Oregon Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Portland.


He was severely wounded in Vietnam, when he found out that the radio transmits he was giving to B-52 pilots, were flight co-ordinates over civilian targets.


On the day that he finally saw this truth, he walked into his unit orderly room, and told his commanding officer that his tour in Vietnam was over.


He was sent back to the United States, where he was given a psychiatric discharge.


He spent the next twenty years recovering from his guilt and betrayal.


He is now a very active member of the peace movement in the Pacific Northwest.


When it comes to bearing witness about the lies of the Vietnam War, and how it relates to the war in Iraq, he is relentless.


Photo and caption from the I-R-A-Q (I  Remember  Another  Quagmire) portfolio of Mike Hastie, US Army Medic, Vietnam 1970-71.  (For more of his outstanding work, contact at: (hastiemike@earthlink.net)  T)



"My Lie"


From: Dennis Serdel

To: GI Special

Sent: March 14, 2007

Subject: "My Lie"


By Dennis Serdel, Vietnam 1967-68 (one tour) Light Infantry, Americal Div. 11th Brigade, purple heart, Veterans For Peace 50 Michigan, Vietnam Veterans Against The War, United Auto Workers GM Retiree, in Perry, Michigan




                                  "My Lie"


Mark sits on the floor, his back against the wall,

he feels the hippies staring at him with his short hair,

overhearing beyond the psychedelic music

almost an argument that he is a killer

straight from Vietnam and should leave the party.

He hears the words "My Lai" and yes, he was there,

yes, he snapped and killed some people

but the brass didn't do anything to him and he feels nothing,

only that he was getting even with them for

slaughtering all our guys with booby traps, land mines,

the invisible enemy that drives them crazy

and they wanted revenge.

The Vietnamese knew where all the land mines were.

:: Article nr. 31432 sent on 17-mar-2007 00:13 ECT


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