September 4, 2006
The latest cobbled together trash home
video to be released and accredited to "Al Qaeda" is yet another
piece of scripted propaganda that portrays a desperate attempt to give
the impression that the group operates as a cohesive unit.
It is becoming tiresome to have to address
these endless videos which are released whenever the Administration is
feeling the pressure, something that now seems to be a permanent feature
of this government.
Kurt Nimmo so eloquently puts it, this time the tape features
"Azzam the American," aka Adam Yahiye Gadahn, born Adam Pearlman,
and also going by the names Abu Suhayb al-Amriki, Abu Suhayb, and Yihya
Majadin Adams (a score card is required to keep track).
"Californian Adam Gadahn, wearing
a white robe and turban, introduces the message by calling on Westerners
to convert," reports CNN. "We invite all Americans and believers
to Islam, whatever their role and status in Bush and Blair’s world
order," Gahahn declares. "Decide today, because today could
be your last day."
Oh the drama. FEEEEL the force of the
Dark Side, you know you want to give in to it, come over to us while you
still have a chance.
Gadahn is the perfect turncoat, the
proof positive that we are engaged in a global turf war with the terrorists
for hearts and minds.
Gadahn, who disappeared from California
seven years ago, first appeared unmasked on an al Qaeda tape made public
in July
of this year. His past is however very sketchy and more than
a little suspicious. Could he be an invention of Western intelligence?

Adam Gadahn is in fact the grandson
of the late Carl K. Pearlman; a prominent Jewish urologist in Orange County.
Carl Pearlman was also a member of the board of directors of the Anti-Defamation
League, which was caught
spying on Americans for Israel in 1993. This information
today also appeared in the Jerusalem
The Washington Post has previously
reported that "While living with his grandparents in
suburban Santa Ana, he made his first trip to the nearby mosque in 1995.
He introduced himself as Yahya - the Arabic name for John the Baptist,
revered as a great prophet in Islam."
So what is the grandson of a prominent Jew who lives
with his grandfather doing attending a mosque? Furthermore given this
context it seems suspicious that he would then assault members of the
Mosque and turn to radical Islam, which is what he then did just before
disappearing off to Pakistan.
Gadahn / Azzam/ Pearlman is also known for an internet
essay "Becoming Muslim", which, as
Los Angeles City Beat Journalist Annette Stark has pointed
out, is itself very suspicious:
"On the left, conspiracy theorists –
no less energized than their right-wing counterparts – got busy,
too. They thought it strange, they said, as if the government stitched
the story together from scratch. Some kid who never before posted to the
Internet drops a deeply personal revelation onto a USC website, a diatribe
that is chock full of anti-government, anti-Christian sentiments, and
then pretty much disappears from cyberspace."
It is basically written from a Zionist perspective
and not the perspective of the American government in 1995. Remember there
was no war on "Islamic Fascism" in 1995.

Another key indicator that Gadahn / Azzam/ Pearlman
is in the employ of Western Intelligence comes from a report out of the
Orange County Weekly which details how a man named Khalil
Deek, a computer expert who attended the same Mosque as Gadahn and later
became a "top Al Qaeda deputy", was continually protected by
US authorities and allowed to go free on several occasions. Khalil Deek
and Adam Gadahn were accused of organizing a terrorist cell in Anaheim
in the mid to late nineties.
In the past we have highlighted numerous
cases of intrinsic links between the major intelligence agencies and Al
Qaeda operatives. Quite a few of these have happened to be Jewish or MOSSAD
In December 2002 the Executive
Intelligence review reported that:
"the Israeli Mossad and other
Israeli intelligence services have been involved in a 13-month effort
to "recruit" an Israeli-run, phony "al-Qaeda cell"
among Palestinians, so that Israel could achieve a frontline position
in the U.S. war against terrorism and get a green light for a worldwide
"revenge without borders" policy.'
The Sydney
Morning Herald also reported :
"The Palestinian Authority
arrested a group of collaborators who confessed they were working for
Israel, posing as al-Qaeda operatives in the Palestinian territories,"
said the official, on condition of anonymity."
AP also reported the operation:
"Early last week, Rashi Abu
Sba, head of the preventive security apparatus in Gaza, the equivalent
of the Shin Bet, accused the Israeli security service of tricking young
Palestinians into conducting missions in the name of Al-Qaida."
MOSSAD has been caught
on many occasions infiltrating radical groups to further
their own agendas.
There are also many examples of other
intelligence agencies using Al Qaeda as a front for their activities.
"Al Qaeda," formerly a Mujahideen
database, began as a CIA-ISI contrivance, with likely more than a little
help not only from Mossad, but German intelligence (BND) and NATO, the
latter two teaming up during the so-called Kosovo War (see
German Intelligence and the CIA supported Al Qaeda sponsored Terrorists
in Yugoslavia).
Terror expert John Loftus has previously confirmed
this "...back in the late 1990s, the leaders all worked for British
intelligence in Kosovo. Believe it or not, British intelligence actually
hired some Al-Qaeda guys to help defend the Muslim rights in Albania and
in Kosovo. That's when Al-Muhajiroun got started."
We have previously revealed how former MI5 officer
Shayler has alleged, and French intel sources have corroborated,
that the MI6 paid a Libyan Al Qaeda cell £100,000 in 1995 to assassinate
colonel Qaddafi. The use of the group that has come to be known as "Al
Qaeda" as assets by Intelligence services the world over is well
The London Independent also reported 2 days before
the London Bombings how MI5 has previously used so called Al Qaeda operatives
as informants, allowing them to be left alone as a trade off.
This only came to light when Bisher al-Rawi was captured
by the CIA and taken to the detention centre at Guantanamo Bay. The original
Independent link has now mysteriously been removed.
John Loftus also spelt out on FOX TV that British
Intelligence and the US dept of Justice had protected Haroon
Rashid Aswat, the originally cited mastermind of the 7/7
bombings: "Back in 1999 he came to America. The Justice Department
wanted to indict him in Seattle because him and his buddy were trying
to set
up a terrorist training school in Oregon... we've just learned
that the headquarters of the US Justice Department ordered the Seattle
prosecutors not to touch Aswat... , apparently Aswat was working for British
Furthermore, before he was laid out
to pasture earlier this year, presumably because it was getting ridiculous
the amount of times he had already been reported captured or killed, Musab
Al-Zarqawi's role was exaggerated by The Pentagon in order
to subtly link Iraq and 9/11 and quell criticism of the war.

Leaked documents even admitted that
the Pentagon had concocted
fake Al-Zarqawi letters boasting about suicide attacks and
leaked them to the New York Times. The same documents directly stated
that the false promotion of Al-Zarqawi included marking the the "U.S.
Home Audience" as one of the targets of a broader propaganda campaign."
This information is startling and again
highlights how Al Qaeda exists as an organized body only where the intelligence
services have created, funded and employed it.
What purpose does Azzam the American
Of course the new evil is the Homegrown
terrorist. As the recent plots in Britain and before them the London bombings
have proven, Al Qaeda is now an ideology. This latest piece of scripted
propaganda directly supports that notion. So it works on different levels
to reinforce everything that the government is saying about the war on
terror, that it is expanding and it is global, being fought on home and
foreign soil.
The latest video also comes on the same
day as the announcement that the number
2 of "Al Qaeda in Iraq" has been captured, whoever
that is.
This latest video again features Ayman
al-Zawahiri, the Al Qaeda number 2 - where's the number 1 again?
As we have exhaustedly
documented, it is becoming increasingly difficult to use
new material of Bin Laden because he has been dead for at least 4 years.
Much like the cult sixties TV show The Prisoner, it is clear that number
one doesn't actually exist and the power behind this phantom menace will
never actually reveal its face.