From the Muslim Brotherhood to Hamas: how the West and its allies
created a layer of anti-secular radical Islamism.
By Brendan O'Neill
08/29/06 "Antiwar"
-- - According to President George W. Bush, America is at war with
"Islamic fascists." Commentators who support Bush's military
interventions also argue that the West faces new religious enemies
who do not play by the old rules of warfare. Hezbollah (which
literally translates as "Party of God") says its wants to obliterate
Israel, and Hamas (an abbreviation of "Islamic Resistance Movement")
has taken the reins of power in Gaza and the West Bank; meanwhile,
al-Qaeda and its associates continue to carry out sporadic, scrappy
attacks designed to restore the Islamic caliphate. All of this has
led one British newspaper columnist to argue that there is a new
"World War being waged by clerical fascism against free societies."
In a nutshell, the wars over state, territory, and politics that
defined the Cold War era have given way to cosmic battles between
"good" and "evil" - between a West apparently keen to defend
secular, democratic values and its twisted opponents who prefer the
idea of autocratic Islam.
This simplistic view of the new geopolitical landscape is deeply
problematic. It overlooks the key role that the West played in
nurturing radical Islamist groups, precisely as a means of isolating
and undermining secular movements that were judged by Western
governments to be too uppity or dangerous. Over the past 80 years
and more - from Egypt to Afghanistan to Palestine - powerful
governments in the West and their allies in the Middle East helped
to create radical Islamic sects as a bulwark against secular
nationalist parties or pan-Arabism. They gave the nod to, and in
some instances funded and armed, Islamist movements that might
challenge the claims of local anti-colonial, liberationist, or
communistic outfits.
In other words, there is a deep and bitter irony in the West's
current claims to be standing up to evil religious sects in the name
of universal values. It was precisely the West's earlier disregard
for secularism and democracy in the Middle East, its elevation of
its own powerful interests over the needs and desires of local
populations, which helped to give rise to a layer of apparently
"evil" radical Islamism. What we have today is not a World War
between a principled West and psychotic groups from "over there,"
but rather the messy residue of decades of Western meddling in the
Middle East.
Duplicitous Western support for Islamist movements has a long and
dishonorable history. In the early and middle 20th century, both
British and U.S. intelligence supported the Egyptian Muslim
Brotherhood, the group from which so many of today's radical Islamic
sects - including Hamas and even al-Qaeda - have sprung. Indeed, in
the 1920s, the British, then the colonial rulers of Egypt, helped to
set up the Muslim Brotherhood as a means of keeping Egyptian
nationalism and anti-colonialism in check. The immediate precursor
to the Muslim Brotherhood was an organization called the Society of
Propaganda and Guidance, which was funded and backed by British
colonialists. In return, the Society provided Islamist backing to
British rule in Egypt. It published a journal called The Lighthouse,
which attacked Egyptian nationalists - who wanted British forces out
of Egypt - as "atheists and infidels." Under British patronage, the
Society set up the Institute of Propaganda and Guidance, which
brought Islamists from across the Muslim world to Egypt so they
could be trained in political agitation, and then take such
anti-anti-colonialism back to their own homelands.
One graduate of the Institute of Propaganda and Guidance was Hassan
al-Banna, who founded the Muslim Brotherhood in 1928. According to
Robert Dreyfuss, in his informative book Devil's Game: How the
United States Helped Unleash Fundamentalist Islam, the original
Muslim Brotherhood was an "unabashed British intelligence front."
The mosque that served as the first headquarters of the Brotherhood
- in Ismailia, Egypt - was built by the (British) Suez Canal
Company. With Britain's knowledge, and tacit approval, in the 1930s
and '40s the Brotherhood both challenged anti-colonial parties
within Egypt and also spread to other parts of the Near and Middle
East, setting up branches in Transjordan, Syria, Lebanon, and
Following the coming to power of the anti-colonialist and pan-Arabist
Gamal Abdel Nasser in 1954, elements in the West continued to look
upon the Muslim Brotherhood as a weapon against secular nationalism
and communism. The British government of the time encouraged the
Brotherhood to challenge Nasser, and in 1954 there was open conflict
between the Brotherhood's and Nasser's forces. Many hundreds were
killed, and eventually the Brotherhood fled, taking refuge in Saudi
Arabia, Jordan, and other states in the Anglo-American camp. The
U.S.-friendly regime in Saudi Arabia, in particular, provided
sanctuary and financial backing to Brotherhood members during
Nasser's crackdown on the group.
Initially the U.S., in its interventionist policies of the postwar
period, adopted the British model of supporting radical Islamists in
order to undermine popular secular governments or
communist-influenced outfits in the Near and Middle East. This
included supporting the Brotherhood against Nasser. In his book
Sleeping With the Devil, former CIA officer Robert Baer said there
was a "dirty little secret" in Washington in the early 1950s:
"The White House looked on the Brothers as a silent ally, a secret
weapon against - what else? - communism. The covert action started
in the 1950s with the Dulles brothers - Allen at the CIA and John
Foster at the State Department - when they approved Saudi Arabia's
funding of Egypt's Brothers against Nasser. As far as Washington was
concerned, Nasser was a communist."
Baer said that the "logic of the Cold War" meant that the U.S. was
willing to support radical Islamists even if they carried out
activities such as assassinations or political agitation designed to
foment conflict. As Baer argues, "If Allah agreed to fight on our
side, fine. If Allah decided that political assassination was
permissible, that was fine too, as long as no one talked about it in
polite company." (There was, of course, a subsequent divergence
between British and American policy on Nasser. During the Suez
crisis of 1956, President Dwight Eisenhower put a stop to the
British-French-Israeli invasion of Suez and backed Nasser's regime,
temporarily at least.)
The Muslim Brotherhood and its various branches across the Middle
East - which shared the aim of replacing secular democracy with
Islamic government - also gave rise to violent splinter groups.
Hamas, which today is discussed by Bush and his supporters as a
great danger to peace in Israel-Palestine, if not the entire world,
is a local wing of the Brotherhood, formed in the mid-1980s from
various Brotherhood-affiliated charities that had gained a foothold
in Palestinian territories. Al-Qaeda itself has been influenced
primarily by the thinking of Sayyid Qutb (1906-1966), a radical
member of the Brotherhood. Osama bin Laden's deputy, Ayman al-Zawahiri,
an Egyptian, was first radicalized by the Muslim Brotherhood; he
joined the group when he was 14 years old, before moving on to the
more radical Islamic Jihad group in 1979 and subsequently fighting
against the Soviets in Afghanistan.
Indeed, during the Afghan-Soviet war from 1979 to 1992, American and
British intelligence once again supported radical Islamists against,
in this instance, secularist and communist forces. Where the Cold
War began with America and Britain supporting the Muslim Brotherhood
and other radical Islamists against popular secular movements, it
ended with America and Britain arming, financing, and propagandizing
on behalf of radical Islamists fighting the Soviet Union's last
stand in Afghanistan before its collapse in the early 1990s.
Throughout the 1980s, the CIA and the British intelligence
organization MI5 arranged for the arming and training of thousands
of mujahedeen in Afghanistan. American and British elements,
together with Saudi Arabia and the Pakistani intelligence service
ISI, ensured that the mujahedeen had everything they needed to wage
war against the Soviets. As Phil Gasper has argued,
"The CIA became the grand coordinator: purchasing or arranging the
manufacture of Soviet-style weapons from Egypt, China, Poland,
Israel, and elsewhere, or supplying their own; arranging for
military training by Americans, Egyptians, Chinese and Iranians;
hitting up Middle-Eastern countries for donations, notably Saudi
Arabia, which gave many hundreds of millions of dollars in aid each
year, totaling probably more than a billion; pressuring and bribing
Pakistan - with whom recent American relations had been very poor -
to rent out its country as a military staging area and sanctuary;
putting the Pakistan Director of Military Operations, Brigadier Mian
Mohammad Afzal, onto the CIA payroll to ensure Pakistani
Two beneficiaries of such widespread American support for the
mujahedeen's war against the Soviets were bin Laden and Zawahiri,
currently al-Qaeda's number 1 and number 2. Both traveled to
Afghanistan and Pakistan in the 1980s to assist with the anti-Soviet
war effort. It should be noted that America and Britain did not only
fund and arm the mujahedeen; they also provided backing to mosques,
madrassa schools, and propagandistic publications and radio stations
that put the case for political Islam over communism or secularism.
Indeed, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed - who would go on to devise the 9/11
attacks - was involved in a madrassa school that was funded by Saudi
and U.S. money. Once again, Western forces were not only
opportunistically supporting their enemy's enemy - they were also
fueling the idea that radical Islamism was preferable to "evil"
communism and even to secular government.
We could argue that al-Qaeda, both intellectually and practically,
is a product of Western meddling in Middle Eastern affairs. It takes
its inspiration from the Muslim Brotherhood, that group supported by
both American and British intelligence in the early and middle 20th
century, and it was forged in the heat of the Afghan-Soviet war,
that conflict largely facilitated by U.S., British, and Saudi funds
and arms. In terms of both its political origins and its early and
formative fighting experiences, al-Qaeda owes a great deal to
Western interventionism.
Even Hamas is, in some ways, the product of a desire by the West and
its allies to use radical Islamism as a counterweight to popular
secular movements. It was formed, in 1987, from various charities
with links to the Muslim Brotherhood. These charities had been
allowed by Israel itself to gain strength and influence in
Palestinian territories in order to, as one account puts it,
"counter the influence of the secular Palestinian resistance
movements." Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, the spiritual leader of Hamas, who
was killed by an Israeli air strike in 2004, formed the military
outfit in 1987 as the armed wing of his group the Islamic
Association. This organization had been licensed by Israel 10 years
earlier, in the 1970s. In that period, Israeli officials gave the
nod to, and even indirectly funded, the setting-up of Islamic
societies in the West Bank and Gaza that might weaken and isolate
Yasser Arafat's Palestine Liberation Organization. Martha Kessler, a
senior analyst for the CIA, has said: "[W]e saw Israel cultivate
Islam as a counterweight to Palestinian nationalism." The very
Islamic groups "cultivated" by Israel in the 1970s went on to become
Hamas in the 1980s.
In funding Islamists against secularists, Israel was following in a
long tradition started by the British and Americans. As one former
senior CIA official has put it, Israel's tolerance, even support, of
Islamic groups that would later become Hamas "was a direct attempt
to divide and dilute support for a strong, secular PLO by using a
competing religious alternative." There is no evidence that Israel
ever supported Hezbollah, but their interests have coincided over
the past two decades or more, since the founding of Hezbollah in
Lebanon by Iranian elements in 1982.
As Strategic Forecasting Inc., or Stratfor, has argued, "Hezbollah
represented a militant, non-secular alternative to [Arafat's]
Nassertie Fatah, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, and
other groups that took their bearing from Pan-Arabism rather than
Islam.... [Hezbollah] made a powerful claim that the Palestinian
movement had no future while it remained fundamentally secular."
Israel and Hezbollah are, of course, arch-rivals; Hezbollah was
formed with the explicit aim of expelling Israel from Lebanon by any
means necessary. However, in the early 1980s both Israel and
Hezbollah had a shared aim of weakening the more powerful and
popular secularist Palestinian movements.
Over the past 80 years, Western governments and their allies have
supported radical Islamist groups. However, this was not merely
opportunism, a bad case of "my enemy's enemy is my friend." As part
of this process, Western governments seriously denigrated popular
secular and democratic movements. Indeed, from the founding of the
Muslim Brotherhood in the 1920s to Israel's role in the forging of
Hamas in the 1980s, the explicit aim of Western support for radical
Islamism was to isolate, weaken, and ultimately destroy popular
political movements that very often were based on Western ideas of
democracy and progress. Thus, many of these radical Islamist groups
- the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, al-Qaeda, Hezbollah - have a
built-in suspicion of and hostility toward secular democracy.
What we are faced with today is not a new World War being waged by
any kind of powerful Islamist conspiracy. Instead, as secular and
nationalist politics has fallen apart in the post-Cold War period,
we are left with fairly small, radical Islamist sects - in other
words, with those very groups that were forged as a bulwark against
secular democratic politics in the first place.
Brendan O'Neill, is the deputy editor of
spiked, the online
magazine with the modest ambition of making history as well as
reporting it. Visit his blog