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Syria News - March 8, 2013 (Warning: Graphic Videos)

March 8, 2013 - By the end of Friday the Local Coordination Committees in Syria documented 81 martyrs including 7 children, 3 women and 1 martyr under torture; 29 martyrs were reported in Damascus and its suburbs; 16 in Idlib; 13 in Aleppo; 10 in Homs; 6 in Daraa; 4 in Hama and 3 in Deir Ezzor.Local Coordination Committees in Syria has documented 346 point of shelling over different Syrian cities and towns: 5 Ballistic missiles were reported from Brigade 155 in Qutaifeh, Damascus suburbs and documented in 5 areas the worst was in Dar Kabierh in Homs and its besieged neighborhoods; Explosive Barrels was reported in Dar Kabierh in Homs; artillery shelling was reported in 118 points; mortar shelling in 112 point; and the shelling using rocket launchers was reported in 105 in points.The Free Syrian Army clashed with the regime’s forces in 105 points in which FSA was able to control the gym behind Abassyeen Playground and targeted Hafeer military barrack ...


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Syria News - March 8, 2013 (Warning: Graphic Videos)

Local Coordination Committees of Syria + Videos


Al-Musayfira , Daraa : Child Mohammad Isaam Al-Zo'bi murdered by regime shelling

March 8, 2013

Leaked video shows a regime soldier taunting and humiliating two Muslim clerics


Qalamoun,Damascus: child martyr Nabeel Alsafadi

Martyr Ayman Khaled Al-Aqel in Douma, Damascus Suburbs

Martyr Mohammad Shakhashiro in Jobar, Damascus

Martyr Asmaa Haji in Jobar; Damascus

Martyr Anwar Al-Horani in Jobar, Damascus

Majed Alyosif was killed during Assad forces shelling on Douma

Ayman Khaled Alaqil was killed during Assad forces shelling on Douma

Douma: The child Natheer Mohammad Mushrif was killed during Assad forces shelling on residential areas.

Douma: Mohammad Khair Abudnnafe' was killed when Assad forces shelled residential areas.

Wounded in the Shelling in Assali, Damascus

Missile Shelling in Douma, Damascus Suburbs

Fire as a Result of Shelling in Jobar Neighborhood, Damascus

Pillars of Smoke due to Shelling in Modamiyet Al-Sham, Damascus Suburbs

Effects of Shelling in Bwaida in Damascus Suburbs

Scud Missile Over Damascus Suburbs

Moment of Shelling in Mouadamiyeh in Damascus Suburbs

Shelling in Zabadani, Damascus Suburbs

A Trapped Car was exploded near to a Mosque After Joumaa Prayer in Khal Sheikh, Damascus Suburbs

Shelling in Zamalka, Damascus Suburbs

Mortar Shelling in Jobar, Damascus

Huge Fire in Aqrba, Damascus Suburbs

Aftermath of Shelling of the Schools in Jobar, Damascus

Jamla, Daraa: FSA explain why they captured UN members - English Subtitled

Mseifra: Lifeless body of child martyr Mohammad Zo’bi who died as a result of the indiscriminate shelling

Algharbeh Alsharqeyeh,Daraa; a little girl got severely injured as a result of regime shelling.

Wounded in a Field-Hospital in Dara'a

Assad Army Suffers Heavy Casualties in Ma'rya Clashes

Dar’aa | A black cloud of smoke fills the sky as a result of regime shelling

Aftermath of Shelling in Taseel, Dara'a

Shelling with Rocket Launchers in Basr Harir, Daraa


Anadan, Aleppo Suburb: Regime shelling leaves many people dead and wounded

Martyr Waleed Abdulkareem Al-Saleh in Latamna, Aleppo

Aleppo | Anadan |Live footage of car had caught on fire as a result of bombardment by regime forces.

Aftermath of Shelling in Hayan, Aleppo

Destruction in Ashrafieh, Aleppo

Aftermath of Destruction in Meng village in Aleppo

The Moment a Rocket Lands in Masaken Hanano Neighborhood, Aleppo

Fires due to Shelling in Andan, Aleppo


Talbiseh,Homs: martyr Sulaiman Saeed.

Assad Bombs Babies in Al Hoole

Homs | Regime Shelling Targets Residential Buildings

A Home Burns in Talbiseh, Homs

Shelling Using Mortars in Dar Al-Kabira, Homs

Demonstraton in Talbiseh, Homs

Shelling in Mosques in Qusair, Homs

Artillery Shelling in Houla, Homs

Destruction in Ghatno in Homs


Ariha: Regime shelling leaves many people dead and wounded

Kafranbil | Idlib | Martyr Stouf Hasan Al-Ahmad

Wounded People Due to Shelling in Ariha, Idlib

Aftermath of Shelling in Ariha,Idlib

A Shell Lands as Worshippers Leave the Mosque in Binnish, Idlib

Shelling in The Southern Suburbs of Idlib

Deir Azzor

Columns of Smoke by the Shelling of Waiqa Neighborhood in Deir Ezzor

Destruction in Erdi Neghborhood in Dei Ezzor


Scud Shelling in Tabaka, Raqqa


Hamah | Kafar Nabodeh | Footage of the aftermath of regime shelling on homes

Aftermath of Shelling in Kafrzeita, Hama

Remnants of Destruction in Janan Village, Hama

Destruction in Kafarnabouda, Hama

By the end of Friday the Local Coordination Committees in Syria documented 81 martyrs including 7 children, 3 women and 1 martyr under torture; 29 martyrs were reported in Damascus and its suburbs; 16 in Idlib; 13 in Aleppo; 10 in Homs; 6 in Daraa; 4 in Hama and 3 in Deir Ezzor.

Local Coordination Committees in Syria has documented 346 point of shelling over different Syrian cities and towns: 5 Ballistic missiles were reported from Brigade 155 in Qutaifeh, Damascus suburbs and documented in 5 areas the worst was in Dar Kabierh in Homs and its besieged neighborhoods; Explosive Barrels was reported in Dar Kabierh in Homs; artillery shelling was reported in 118 points; mortar shelling in 112 point; and the shelling using rocket launchers was reported in 105 in points.

The Free Syrian Army clashed with the regime’s forces in 105 points in which FSA was able to control the gym behind Abassyeen Playground and targeted Hafeer military barrack; Intense clashes took place at Jobar’s entrance and regime’s forces heavy machineries were destroyed in Yarmouk Camp; in Damascus Suburbs the FSA was able to blackout the attempts of the regime’s army to raid into Daraya and intense clashes reported to be the Fiercest in the southern part of the besieged city and other attempts to enter Eastern Ghota was blackout; in Daraa the FSA targeted the 38 Brigade; in Raqqa Regiment 93 was targeted in Ein Issa by a local made missiles; in Idlib FSA was able to destroy a military convey heading towards Wadi Eldaif Camp; in Aleppo Mingh and Nairab Military Airport were targeted; and number of machineries and armors were destroyed in several areas in Syria.

Idlib: Naqeeh: Intense shelling using rocket launchers in the village.

Daraa: Saida: FSA controls Engineering Battalion that belongs to Brigade 38.

Damascus Suburbs: Douma: Ibrahim Salk was martyred due to the shelling in the city.

Damascus: Zhoor Neighborhood: Raid in campaign by the regime's forces in the neighborhood.

Dara'a: Busr Al-Harir: Severe artillery shelling in the town.

Damascus Suburbs: Buwaida: Fierce shelling using artillery shells in the town.

Homs: Qusair: Paramedic Khaled Marwan Idrees, a member of the medical staff, was martyred during shelling in the city.

Homs: Teermaaleh: Child Mohannad Othman was martyred affected by the wounds he got due to the shelling using cluster bombs.

Damascus: Midan: Addnan Saman was martyred after being arrested by the regime's forces and executed him in the prison.

Damascus Suburbs: Sayeda Zainab: Anas Dahboura was martyred by a regime sniper's gunfire. He is from Yalada.

Qamishli: Tal Aoudi: Intense heavy artillery shelling in the village in the Southern suburbs of the city.

Homs: Qaisar: Renewal of the mortar shelling in the city

Homs: Intense shelling in the blockade neighborhoods of the city.

Raqqa: Tabaka: Intense artillery shelling in the city.

Damascus Suburbs: Daraya: Tareq Abu Ziad was martyred by shrapnel of the shelling.

Damascus Suburbs: Ziabiya: Fierce shelling with artillery in the town was reported.

Latakia: Intense shelling using artillery and rocket launchers in Salma’s villages.

Idlib: Yaqoubieh: Intense shelling using rocket launchers in the village.

Hama: Kafr Nboudeh: Fadi al-Anwar, 26 from al-Sharia'a, was martyred during clashes with regime forces.

Daraa: Nuaimeh: Continued artillery shelling was reported in the city.

Raqqa: Full break in communications and electricity after warplanes shelling in the electricity transfer station south of the city.

Homs: Qusair: Fierce shelling with rocket launchers was reported in the city.

Damascus: Barzeh: Shelling with mortar was reported in the neighborhood from branch 211 and 3 shells were reported thus far.

Idlib: Kafr-Nfsajeh: Fierce shelling using rocket launchers and artillery were reported in the village.

Daraa: Busr Harir: Continuous artillery and rocket shelling were reported in the city from regiment 17 and brigade2.

Damascus Suburbs: Daraya: Renewed artillery shelling was reported in the city.

Damascus Suburbs: Douma: Jihad Khalil Majeed was martyred by the shelling in the city.

Damascus Suburbs: Modamiyet Al-Sham: Renewed missile and artillery shelling of the forth Division headquarters.

Damascus Suburbs: Thyabia: Number of wounded people and several destroyed houses were reported in the city due to the artillery shelling.

Damascus: Yarmouk Camp: A shell fell in Jaouna Street.

Daraa: Basr Al-Harir: Fierce artillery shelling from Regiment 175 was reported in the town.

Damascus Suburbs: Zabadani: Abdulsalam Akram was martyred due to shelling in the city.

Damascus Suburbs: Douma: The number of martyrs in the city has risen to 6 martyrs due to missile and mortar shelling.

Hama: Jabal Shabhshabo: Several wounded and destruction of several houses were reported due to continued artillery shelling for the 4th consecutive day.

Daraa: Kherbit Ghazala: Fierce missile shelling was reported in the town.

Daraa: Hara: Intermittent gunfire was reported from a regime's checkpoint east of the town.

Daraa: Khirbit Ghazalleh: Renewed artillery shelling for the fifth time was reported in the town.

Idlib: Several were wounded in the villages nearby Khan Sheikhoun due to the shelling with rocket launchers.

Idlib: Habeet: Fierce shelling with rocket launchers was reported in the town.

Idlib: Khan Sheikhoun: FSA destroyed a rocket launcher located in Dahra Beit Nemr.

Aleppo: Anadan: The number of martyrs by the shelling has risen up to 4 thus far.

Hama: Kafarnabouda: Haza Aboura, a member of the FSA, was martyred after he was injured by a shrapnel of missile shelling.

Aleppo: Andan: Alaa Hamash and Ahmed Abdulrahman Abdulkhaleq were martyred due to artillery shelling.

ALeppo: Several were wounded by artillery shell landed in Marjeh neighborhood.

Daraa: Khirbit Ghazalleh: Artillery shelling on the town of the 52 Brigade and 5 shells landed thus far.

Daraa: Abedeen: Aerial Shelling was reported in the town near to the borders of the country.

Damascus Suburbs: Fayez Hussain Hanen was martyred by the shelling in the city.

Idlib: Hanoudiya: Several were wounded by shelling targeted one of the town's mosques.

Homs: Bilal al-Shibli was martyred while he was defending on civilians in Bab Hood neighborhood.

Homs: Ter Maaleh: Fierce shelling with Gvozdika was reported in the village.

Qunaitra: Khan Arnabeh: Intensive shooting in the village was reported.

Hama: Kafr Naboudeh: Akram al-Ahmad was martyred due to his injury with shrapnel of the missile shelling in the city.

Aleppo: Andan: Severe shelling using artillery in the city.

Homs: Talbeisah: Bilal Mohammad Kheir al-Deekh and Ahmad Hatem Hammod were martyred by the shelling in Om Sharshoh village.

Lattakia: Fierce artillery shelling targeting the villages of Ghanemiya and Saqiya al-Kert.

Idlib: A number of martyred and injured were reported due to continuous and severe shelling on the southern suburbs amid severe clashes between the FSA and regime forces to sieze a convoy heading to Hama.

Damascus Suburbs: Adra: Tarek Alawi was martyred by a regime sniper in Kimiya'a Checkpoint.

Douma: Muhammad Haithem Mushrif was martyred during shelling using rocket launchers in the city.

Idlib: Heesh: A large explosion was reported in the southern suburbs from the international highway of the city.

Damascus Suburbs: Arbeen: Ala'a Muhammad Sayid Hassan was martyred at the hands of regime forces.

Homs: Intensifying artillery shelling in the neighborhoods of besieged Homs.

Aleppo: Martyr and several others wouded surface-to-surface in the Public Market.

Damascus: Saghour: One martyr and one injured person were reported due to two landed shells on Bab Saghir graveyard.

Aleppo: Number of wounded people were reported due to artillery shelling in Maqamat neighborhood.

Damascus: Qaboon: Several mortars were reported in the industrial area.

Hama: Janabra: Severeal wounded were reported in the shooting at the village of Khazanat checkpoint.

Daraa: Al-Harith Hassan Al-Batah - defected soldier - was martyred in clashes with regime forces in Yarmouk Vale, and he is from Mayadeen in Daraa.

Dara'a: Severe artillery shelling in the village of Lajah from Regiment 189.

Damascus Suburbs: Mouadamiyeh: Fierce shelling targeting the city from the fourth division was reported.

Raqqah: Tabqa: A SCUD Missile landed on framland in the village of Hourat Al-Hamam East Mansoura.

Damascus Suburbs: Yalda: Child Muslim Tayara was martyred due to shelling in the town.

Damascus: Jobar: Citizen Journalist Muhammad Bashir Shakhashiro Was Martryed At The Hands of Regime Forces As He Was Covering The Events Of The Syrian Revolution.

Damascus Suburbs: Zabadani: Continuous and severe shelling using tanks in the city.

Damascus Suburbs: Zabadani: Continuous and severe shelling using tanks in the city.

Idlib: Ariha: One martyr (Ali Al-Abdou) and number of wounded people thus far due to shelling in the city.

Deir Azzor: Mohasan: Fierce artillery shelling in the city by regime forces was reported.

Deir Azzor: Bolil: Air raid on the city with warplane was reported.

Idlib: Ariha: Number of wounded people were reported due to the heavy artillery and mortar shelling that is targeting the city.

Raqqa: Defection of general Khaled Al-Halabi - Head of the State Security branch in the province- with some of the state security members of and they arrived to Turkey, and they from Swayda.

Damascus Suburbs: Mleiha: Martyr Ahmad Muwafaq Al-Khouli was martyed in clashes with regime forces in Adra.

Damascus Suburbs: Qutayfeh: 2 SCUD missiles launched from Brigade155 towards the Syrian north were reported.

Homs: Wa'ar: 3 Demonstrations set out in Horia Sequare, Omari mosque and Ferdous street chanted to FSA and the sieged Homs.

Aleppo: Two martyrs and a number injured due to two shells that landed in Ma'aadi Neighborhood.

Hama: Sahel Ghab: Number of wounded people and destruction of houses were reported due to the continuous shelling in Ankawi, Qaliden, Manara and Hawash villages, in addition to continuous clashes between FSA and regime forces.

Hama: The FSA member Abdulraheem Morhaf Hmama (18 years old) was martyred during clashes with regime forces in Janan village and he is from Janoub Al-Malab neighborhood.

Homs: FSA takes control of the electricity institution after heavy clashes with regime forces in conjunction with the fiercest shelling targeting the village since the beginning of the revolution using artillery, mortars and rocket launchers, and airplanes, in light of bad humanitarian situation and acute shortage of materials and medical staff and in presence of large numbers of wounded.

Daraa: Mseifara: Child Muhammad Essam Zouabi was martyred due to shelling in the town.

Damascus Suburbs: Zabadany: Renewed fierce artillery shellin in the city was reported.

Idlib: Kafranbel: One martyr (Satof Hasan Al-Ahmad) and number of wounded were reported due to shelling in the city.

Damascus Suburbs: Douma: The number of martyrs by the shelling has risen up to 4 after Majed Yossef was martyred too.

Aleppo: Atarib: A demonstration began from The Great Mosque calling for the overthrowing of the regime.

Aleppo: Demonstration set out of Qaterji neighborhood and another one set out of Mashehed neighborhood and the chants for the rebelling Syrian woman.

Damascus Suburbs: Yalda: Renewal of shelling with mortar in the town from Sofyan Al-Thawri barrack.

Idlib: Kafroma: Mustafa Ali Al-Jabani was martyred in clashes with regime forces on the Death Road.

Aleppo: Demonstration set out in the neighborhoods of Tareeq Halab, Sukkari, Zibdiya and Myssar and the chants are for the rebelling Syrian woman.

Aleppo: Demonstration set out in Marjeh neighborhood chanting to topple the regime.

Idlib: Kafranbel: Missile shelling targeted the city.

Hama: Latamna: Demonstration set out in the city chanting for revolutionary syrian women and demanding to topple the regime.

Lattakia: Jabal Al-Turkman: Fierce shelling using rocket launchers is targeting Daghmshleyeh and Ghamam.

Hama: Shooting from Bahra Square towards Jub Square street by regime forces.

Hama: Kafr Naboudeh: Continued missile shelling in the town was reported and 4 shells landed at the same moment thus far in the town.

Aleppo: Two demonstrations set out in Bustan Qaser chanting revolutionary syrian women and for martyrs and detainees.

Idlib: Kafranbel: Missile shelling targeted the city.

Deir Ezzor: Demonstraton set out in the city chanting for the rebelling Syrian woman.

Aleppo: A demonstration set out in Shekh Fares neighborhood and another one in Masaken Hanano neighborhood chanting for freedom and demanding to topple the regime.

Daraa: Redwan Jihad al-Koor a member of FSA, was martyred due to his injury in clashes with the regime forces in Tareeq Sad neighborhood and he was martyred in one of Jordan hospital.

Hama: Kafrzeita: A large demonstration set out of Kabeer mosque chanting for freedom and demanding to topple the regime.

Homs: Talbiseh: Demonstration set out in the city despite the shelling chanting for the rebelling Syrian woman and demanding to topple the regime.

Hama: regime forces fired to disperse a demonstration started in the neighborhood of Tareeq Halab.

Homs: Clashes were intensified on the outskirts of the Khalidiya neighborhood in conjunction with heavy shelling since the early morning hours and so far.

Hama: A demonstration set out in Hamidiya and Tareeq Halab neighborhoods and the chants are for the rebelling Syrian women and demanding to topple the regime.

Homs: Houla: Several were wounded and a number of houses were destroyed by the artillery shelling in the city of Qermis barrier.

Damascus: Mazra'a: A shell landed in the yard of Shahbandar followed by intensive security spread.

Damascus Suburbs: Douma: Ayman Al-Aqil was martyred during shelling in the city.

Idlib: Binish: A demonstration set out in the city despite the shelling chanting for the Syrian woman and demanding to topple the regime.

Idlib: Binish: Artillery and missile shelling targeted the city.

Idlib: Sermeen: Targeting worshipers at a mosque in the city with rockets which caused large damage in the mosque and the surrounding buildings.

Aleppo: Qabtan Jabal: Fierce shelling with rocket launchers targeted the town.

Homs: Intesive clashes between FSA and the regime forces in the entire Bab Hood neighborood.

Deir Ezzor: Miyadeen: A demonstration began in support of the FSA and in solidarity with affected cities.

Damascus Suburbs: Fierce shelling of the14 regiment toward the city of Adra and Ghouta Sharqiya.

Idlib: Sermin: Fierce artillery shelling targets the city and its surrounding areas from the Bricks Factory.

Damascus Suburbs: Douma: Martyrs and wounded were reported by an airstrike by the helicopters in conjunction with fierce roket launchers shelling.

Damascus Suburbs: Zabadany: Renewed fierce artillery shelling was reported in the city and 5 shells have landed in just one minute.

Damascus Suburbs: Douma: Mohammad Kheir Abd al-Nafea was martyred by the shelling in the city.

Hama: Sahl Ghab: Fierce and cotinued shelling for 3 days on the villages of Hwash, Hwaijeh, Ankawi, Amkia, Qleedein and Manara in conjunction with violent clashes in them.

Hama: Sahl Ghab: FSA destroys a tank and school was taken by the regime forces as their headquarter in the village of Qaheera.

Homs: Qsair: Hajar Yahia Khashman was martyred by the shelling on her village Arjon from the barrier of Tal Nabi Mandow.

Idlib: Maaret Al-Nouman: Adnan al-Tamer a member of the FSA was martyred due to his injury by clashes with the regime forces in was martyred in Turkish hospital.

Damascus Suburbs: Zamalka: Fierce shelling in the city by heavy artillery and mortar shells.

Daraa: Fierce artillery shelling from the military barracks located east of the town of Tseel toward the villages and towns in Yarmouk Valley.

Hama: Kafrnabouda: Fierce shelling with rocket launchers targets the town.

Daraa: Basr Al-Harir: Clashes between the FSA and regime forces in the eastern entrance of the town amid fierce artillery shelling.

Hasakeh: Saeed Khalaf Al-Omar was martyred in clashes with regime forces, and he is from Mathloum village in Deir Ezzor.

Hama: Taibet Imam: Regime's thugs fire randomly to terrorize the citizens along with sounds of shelling and explosions are being heard to the west of the city.

Daraa: Fierce artillery shelling targets Daraa Balad neighborhood from Panorama barrack.

Hama: Fierce artillery shelling from Deir Mahrde targets Zor Hiesah and Zor Mahrouqa.

Damascus Suburbs: Zabadany: A number of wounded were reported due to shelling in the city.

Homs: Qusair: Mohammad Maher Al-Hseiki was martyred as a result of having his car hit by a shell from regime forces in the region between Qusair and Gousieh.

Daraa: Saida: Renewed fierce artillery shelling in the town and 5 shells have landed.

Daraa: Gamleh: Younis Abdulrahim Abu Roumieh, a defected soldier, was martyred in clashes with regime forces in the town and he is from Deir Adas village.

Homs: Rastan: A number of wounded were reported due to fierce artillery shelling in the city from Handase Battalion.

Deir Ezzor: Fierce shelling with mortars targets Jbeile neighborhood.

Damascus Suburbs: Zabadany: Renewed fierce shelling with artillery and tanks from Jabal Sharqi checkpoints.

Raqqa: Marwan Mohammad Ali Qahwaty was martyred by regime sniper gunfire and he is from Deir Ezzor.

Homs: Regime forces backed up with thugs launch an invasion campaign to the houses in Ghouta neighborhood from Regi Street to Basateen.

Damascus Suburbs: Zabadany: Fierce shelling with artillery and tanks targets the city.

Homs: Dar Kabira: An airstrike targeted the city along with fierce shelling with Vozdika artillery and mortar shells.

Homs: Warplane shelling targets Homs besieged neighborhoods.

Damascus Suburbs: Darayya: Fierce shelling with artillery and rocket launchers and tanks target the city's neighborhoods along with a military envoy heading towards the city from Mazzeh Military Airport and is composed of 4 tanks and 3 BMB vehicles and a number of Doshka cars and buses for soldiers tranportations.

Homs: Fierce artillery shelling targets Khaldieh neighborhood.

Idlib: Regime forces launch an invasion and arrest campaign in the northern alley of the city nearby Gameela Buhered School along with sounds of fierce shelling are being heard in the city's countryside.

Homs: Shelling using Gvozdika and Shilka is reportedly resumed in the neighborhoods of Jourt Alshayahand and Qarabees.

Daraa: Kharbet Ghazaleh: Artillery sheling is reportedly resumed in the town.

Damascus :Yarmouk Camp: The Free Syrian army gains two armored Vehicles /Bmp/ and shells regime locations.

Aleppo: Anadan: Fierce artillery shelling targeted the city.


:: Article nr. 95844 sent on 10-mar-2013 20:00 ECT


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