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CA-50: Kaloogian new proof of a happy Iraq

So Kaloogian needs a picture of smiling, happy people in Baghdad to prove his point that all's peachy over there. He tries to slip by a picture of smiling, happy people in a suburb of Istanbul, Turkey, but he was stymied by those meddling kids at dKos (...) The picture was taken from the Rashid Hotel in the Green Zone. All safe and cozy. Too bad Kaloogian couldn't get out to where real people lived to snap his pictures of happy and safe Iraqis. This picture was apparently taken last year, and one of the buildings in that picture has been bombed to pieces...


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CA-50: Kaloogian new proof of a happy Iraq

Daily Kos


March 29, 2006

So Kaloogian needs a picture of smiling, happy people in Baghdad to prove his point that all's peachy over there. He tries to slip by a picture of smiling, happy people in a suburb of Istanbul, Turkey, but he was stymied by those meddling kids at dKos.

But he was there! He has thousands of pictures to choose from! So which one does he choose to replace the hoax picture?

So, um, are we supposed to be impressed that there are no plumes of smoke rising from burnt out buildings? Because this looks like it was taken from the window of the plane as it was about to land. Not exactly the sort of thing that cries "evidence of happy Iraqis!"


Also, Newsweek and the NY Times covered the story. I know the SF Chronicle is working on a piece as well.

Update: The picture was taken from the Rashid Hotel in the Green Zone. All safe and cozy. Too bad Kaloogian couldn't get out to where real people lived to snap his pictures of happy and safe Iraqis.

This picture was apparently taken last year, and one of the buildings in that picture has been bombed to pieces.

Site of New Kaloogian Picture Found

by Londonbear
Wed Mar 29th, 2006 at 11:42:08 PM EST

I have found the exact location of the picture that Kaloogian has used to replace the picture of peaceful downtown old Baghdad< Istanbul. After posting it on Kos, others have now found that the view includes a police station that was bombed a year before the "Truth Visit".  

I believe the picture was taken from an upper floor of the Rashid Hotel, the hotel used to house VIP vistors to Iraq and which is withing the Green Zone. More specifically the camera was pointing East-North East.

This BBC graphic of the Green Zone shows the location of the hotel. It is in the upper part of the zone and is indicated by the top tag in the image.

This a GoogleEarth image of the wider site shopwingthe intersection. The hotel is at the bottom of the picture and I suggest the photo was taken looking towards the top of this image:

I think the clincher is this closer shot of the grounds of the hotel which is again at the bottom of the picture. Note the larger store like buildings set among the trees. The three nearest the hotel are, I believe, the ones most prominent in the new Kaloogian photo. Note that there is a tree to the left of the group and another between the leftmost and the other two. In addition there are buildings at right angles to these which also appear in both images.

The Kaloogian picture.


To make the co-incidences clearer I have merged two of these and linked those elements that seem to correspond with red lines.

As this is rather too small to make out properly, the lines from left to right link

  1. A round feature that appears more yellow in the satellite shot

  2. The rear one of two store-like buildings surrounded by trees on the three sides away from the camera.

  3. The front store of these two.

  4. A large tree that is prominant in the  hotel view

  5. Two further "stores" with one set slightly back

  6. Another building with a roof that appears to be damaged.

  7. A set of buildings which seem to be in line with the hotel, staff quarters perhaps?

The blue building in the centre of the Kaloogian picture has been identified by AA in a comment at Eschaton as a police station hit by a bomb on 12 April 2005. A set of pictures from agencies is here.

This rather makes a nonsense of even the revised caption on his web site which now reads:

We originally posted a photograph not of Baghdad, Iraq but from Istanbul, Turkey where our delegation traveled on the way home to the United States. We apologize for this mistake. We have corrected it with a photograph we took from Baghdad. We took this photo of downtown Baghdad while we were in Iraq.  Iraq (including Baghdad) is much more calm and stable than what many people believe it to be.  But, each day the news media finds any violence occurring in the country and screams and shouts about it - in part because many journalists are opposed to the U.S. effort to fight terrorism.
Baghdad Police Station, near Green Zone

CBS News 12/04/05

onlineathens.com 12/04/05

12/04/05 Reuters/Akram Saleh

12/04/05 (Xinhua/AFP)

Not 12/04/05 - Kaloogian

See also:

Baghdad, Turkey; Baghdad photo scandal


Kaloogian Blames Iraq Photo Error on Staffer

Exposing bullshit in internet time

Baghdad. Istanbul. What’s the Difference? The blogosphere nails a California Republican for his view of Iraq.

:: Article nr. 22086 sent on 30-mar-2006 10:08 ECT


Link: www.dailykos.com/story/2006/3/30/14344/6926

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