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Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Sunday, 12 November 2006.

In a dispatch posted at 7:19pm Makkah time Sunday night, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that US occupation forces raided homes in the ash-Shurtah, al-'Ummal, and al-'Askari neighborhoods of Hit, about 165km northwest of Baghdad on Saturday night. The Americans killed six local civilians, stabbing them with their bayonets in their homes. The murders were believed to be revenge for the killing of six American Marine occupation troops on Friday. The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported Dr. 'Ali al-Hiti of Hit General Hospital as saying that the American troops murdered the six civilians and then mutilated the bodies of two of them with their knives or bayonets. The doctor expressed the opinion that the American killings were acts of revenge for a Resistance attack on Friday that left six American Marines dead...


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Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Sunday, 12 November 2006.

Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member, editorial board, the Free Arab Voice

resistenza 29 - 30 aprile.jpeg

Sunday, 12 November 2006.


·       US troops murder six residents of Hit in evident revenge for Resistance attack Friday that left six American Marines reported dead.


·       Resistance bomb reportedly kills three US troops in 'Anah Sunday afternoon.


·       Resistance fida’i fighters strike recruiting station for American backed puppet forces in Baghdad.


·       Two US troops reported killed in early morning bomb attack in al-Mawsil Sunday.


Al-Anbar Province.



US troops murder six residents of Hit in evident revenge for Resistance attack Friday that left six American Marines reported dead.


In a dispatch posted at 7:19pm Makkah time Sunday night, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that US occupation forces raided homes in the ash-Shurtah, al-'Ummal, and al-'Askari neighborhoods of Hit, about 165km northwest of Baghdad on Saturday night.  The Americans killed six local civilians, stabbing them with their bayonets in their homes.  The murders were believed to be revenge for the killing of six American Marine occupation troops on Friday.


The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported Dr. 'Ali al-Hiti of Hit General Hospital as saying that the American troops murdered the six civilians and then mutilated the bodies of two of them with their knives or bayonets.  The doctor expressed the opinion that the American killings were acts of revenge for a Resistance attack on Friday that left six American Marines dead.




Resistance bomb reportedly kills three US troops in 'Anah Sunday afternoon.


In a dispatch posted at 6:58pm Makkah time Sunday evening, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance bomb hidden in a vegetable oil can exploded by the side of a road as an American foot patrol was passing through the market in 'Anah, about 300km northwest of Baghdad at 4pm local time Sunday afternoon.


The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported residents of 'Anah as saying that the bomb went off on al-Kamaliyat Street.  Eyewitnesses said that the explosion  killed three of the Americans in the patrol and wounded four more of them.  Moderately injured in the blast were also a young woman and her father.


After the attack, US troops surrounded the area for three hours as they evacuated their dead and wounded.  Other forces arrested five local residents who were found in possession of cell phones.  They were charged with being involved in the attack since there is no cell phone service in the city and the Americans believed that the phones were used to set of explosives by remote control.


Resistance bombards joint US-Iraqi puppet army base in 'Anah.


In a dispatch posted at 12:33pm Makkah time Sunday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Iraqi Resistance forces fired more than five 82mm mortar rounds into the joint US-Iraqi puppet army headquarters in the city of 'Anah, about 300km northwest of Baghdad.


The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the barrage set off violent explosions inside the occupied facility.




Resistance fires two Grad rockets at US-occupied base in al-Habbaniyah.


In a dispatch posted at 12:33pm Makkah time Sunday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Iraqi Resistance forces fired


The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported residents of the area of al-Jaffah in the village of al-Fallahat in the western outskirts of al-Fallujah as saying that Resistance forces fired two Grad rockets at the US-occupied base in al-Habbaniyah, setting off explosions that shook the base and sent plumes of smoke rising into the sky.


US helicopters could be seen flying in and hovering over the base and the surrounding area apparently searching for the Resistance attackers but without success.




Puppet "National Guard" soldier killed in hand grenade attack.


In a dispatch posted at 12:01pm Makkah time midday Sunday, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance fighter threw a hand grenade at a puppet "Iraqi National Guard" patrol in the al-'Askari neighborhood of eastern al-Fallujah.


The al-Fallujah correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported eyewitnesses in al-'Askari as saying that the attack left one puppet "Guard" dead.  After the attack, the puppet "Guards" began firing into the area indiscriminately, wounding four civilian shop keepers who were later taken to hospital for treatment.




Resistance car bomb wipes out puppet "Shock Troops" at road block.


In a dispatch posted at 4:52pm Makkah time Sunday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an explosives-laden car had blown up about a half an hour earlier by a checkpoint manned by puppet "Iraqi Interior Ministry Shock Troops (Maghawir)"


The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported eyewitnesses as saying that the car bomb went of by the checkpoint in the area of the ash-Shurtah Tunnel in the western part of the city.


The blast killed the eight puppet "Shock Troops" who were manning the checkpoint.  The explosion also completely destroyed two Nissan pickups belonging to the puppet troops.  At the time of reporting puppet security forces had closed off the area.


Resistance fida’i fighters strike recruits for American backed puppet forces by the puppet "Interior Ministry" in Baghdad.


In a bulletin posted at 11:36am Makkah time Sunday morning, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that a short while earlier an Iraqi Resistance fida’i fighter wearing an explosive belt blew himself up amidst a group of recruits signing up to serve the US occupation at the puppet "Interior Ministry" on an-Nusur Square in downtown Baghdad.


The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported that  another Resistance fida’i fighter drove an explosives-packed car into the same center after puppet police and army forces gathered to help targets of the first attack.  Initial reports said that dozens had been killed or wounded in the double attack.


In a dispatch posted at 2:48pm Makkah time Sunday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance fida’i fighter drove an explosives-laden car from the direction of the al-Bab ash-Sharqiyah area into one of the entrances of the puppet "Iraqi Interior Ministry"


The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported a source in the puppet police as saying that a number of persons were killed in the attack, including two puppet policemen.  Four more puppet policemen were wounded in the attack.


The source added that the attack took place at the entrance near the puppet "Ministries" of Oil and Electricity.


Resistance abducts puppet police lieutenant colonel from northern Baghdad Saturday.


In a dispatch posted at 11:45am Makkah time Sunday morning, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that a group of Resistance fighters abducted a puppet police lieutenant colonel in northern Baghdad on Saturday.


The Baghdad correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported a source in the puppet police as saying that Resistance men kidnapped Lieutenant Colonel Iyyad Ibrahim, chief of the puppet police station in the as-Salikh area of northern Baghdad as he was on an inspection trip with some of his units.  He was led away to an unknown destination and as of the time of reporting nothing more had been heard from him.


Diyala Province.



Puppet regime employee shot and killed in Ba'qubah.


In a dispatch posted at 4:43pm Makkah time Sunday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that a group of armed men shot and killed a puppet government employee in the middle of Ba'qubah, about 65km northeast of Baghdad, Sunday morning.


The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported a puppet police source as saying that Resistance men attacked the employee of the puppet postal department as he was heading to work in the middle of the city.  The attackers opened fire on him with machine guns, killing him immediately.




Resistance fighters ambush puppet "National Guards" in al-Mada’in killing seven of them.


In a dispatch posted at 12:20pm Makkah time Sunday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Iraqi Resistance fighters battled puppet "Iraqi National Guardsmen" in al-Mada’in, about 25km southeast of Baghdad.


The al-Mada’in correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Resistance men armed with rockets and light and medium machine guns attacked the puppet "Guards," sparking a violent battle that lasted more than half an hour and inflicted heavy losses on the puppet forces. Two Humvees were totally destroyed and seven puppet "Guards" were killed in addition to a number who were severely injured.  The Resistance men withdrew from the area after the battle having taken no casualties.


At-Ta’mim Province.



Resistance bombards puppet "National Guard" base in al-Hawijah.


In a dispatch posted at 12:24m Makkah time Sunday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Iraqi Resistance forces fired five 60mm mortar rounds at the puppet "Iraqi National Guard" headquarters in al-Hawijah in northern Iraq.


The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported eyewitnesses as saying that the puppet headquarters in al-Hawijah took direct hits from in the barrage, which set off explosions that shook the base and sent smoke billowing into the sky.


Ninwa Province.



Two US troops reported killed in early morning bomb attack in al-Mawsil Sunday.


In a dispatch posted at 11:am Makkah time Sunday morning, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US patrol in the northern Iraqi city of al-Mawsil at dawn on Sunday.


The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported eyewitnesses as saying that a bomb that had been planted by the side of the road blew up by a US patrol in the al-Yarmuk area of central al-Mawsil, setting a Bradley armored vehicle on fire and killing two US troops and wounding four more of them.  The witnesses reported that US troops only hauled the wrecked vehicle away at 7am.


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:: Article nr. 28225 sent on 13-nov-2006 04:34 ECT


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