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Since it's inception as a 'State', Israel has ignored every resolution passed by the United Nations which in any way criticised them or their actions. Why would anyone think that a condemnation of the Beit Hanoun massacre would be looked at any differently by them? Why would anyone think that Israel is prepared to 'take its place' as a civilised entity in the international community?
It has become obvious over the past 60 years that an integral part of zionism is the systematic elimination of the Palestinian people. This is what Israel has been doing...


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Desert Peace

November 18, 2006

Since it's inception as a 'State', Israel has ignored every resolution passed by the United Nations which in any way criticised them or their actions. Why would anyone think that a condemnation of the Beit Hanoun massacre would be looked at any differently by them?
Why would anyone think that Israel is prepared to 'take its place' as a civilised entity in the international community?
It has become obvious over the past 60 years that an integral part of zionism is the systematic elimination of the Palestinian people. This is what Israel has been doing. To think that a UN Resolution would change this is sheer nonsense. Actions, not words, are what are needed to halt the zionists. Actions such as a UN sponsored boycott of Israeli products and services, complete isolation of Israel in all arenas of world politics, condemnation of any nation that supports the racist policies of Israel. That is what might help... not another resolution that will be ignored. What is also needed is a new Secretary General for the United Nations... one that will do his job in helping to bring about peace to this world. Kofi Annan has proven that he is incapable of doing this.
Enough talk!

Below is an aticle from today's HaAretz... showing the arrogance of the Israel Ambassador to the UN... walking out of a session.
I say... if you walk out, you stay out! Shame on those that voted NO or abstained.... SHAME!

UN slams Israel over Beit Hanun strike, okays probe By Shlomo Shamir, Haaretz Correspondent, and Haaretz Service

The UN General Assembly on Friday night overwhelmingly passed a resolution condemning the errant shelling of a Beit Hanun house which killed some 20 Palestinians.

Representatives of 156 countries voted in favor of the resolution, seven objected and six abstained.

Voting "no" were the United States, Israel, Australia, the Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru and Palau. Abstaining were Canada, Ivory Coast, Papua New Guinea, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu.

Europe's envoys cast their votes unanimously in favor of the resolution.

Israel's ambassador to the United Nations Dan Gillerman walked out of the session in protest, saying his words were falling on deaf ears and that he was better off holding a nearby press conference.

Prior to the debate, Gillerman said the session is a "humiliation and cynical exploitation of the UN, and whoever lends a hand to this decision is lending a hand to terror."

The United States ambassador to the UN, John Bolton, warned member states against approving the proposal, saying it would undermine the organization's relevance.

"Such a decision will only strengthen the widespread doubts regarding the UN, and lead many to conclude that the global organization cannot fulfill a role in the region," said Bolton.

Bolton called the resolution "one-sided" and said its adoption would only "increase tension and serve the interests of those hostile to Israel and that do not accept Israel's right to exist.

Bolton also slammed the UN Human Rights Council, based in Geneva, which called Wednesday for an inquiry into the Beit Hanun shelling.

"Since its inception, the new Human Rights Council has focused solely on Israel while completely ignoring human rights abuses in Darfur, Burma, and North Korea," said Bolton.

The Palestinian Authority's representative to the UN, Riad Mansour, called for "Israeli war criminals" to be put on trial for the shelling.

European states lead efforts to soften the proposed condemnation. The original draft, presented by Arab states, called for an "international mechanism" to protect Gaza Strip residents.

The draft also includes a clause urging UN Secretary General Kofi Annan to dispatch a "working investigative team" to Beit Hanun to conduct an inquiry into the shelling. American media reported former United States president Jimmy Carter is set to lead the team.

The clauses were included in a Qatari-proposed Security Council resolution that was vetoed last week by the U.S.

European states succeeded in changing the proposal's language, replacing the condemnation of the shelling with an expression of sorrow over the incident. A call on Palestinians to halt Qassam rocket fire at Israeli communities along the Gaza Strip had also been added..

:: Article nr. 28377 sent on 19-nov-2006 06:28 ECT


Link: desertpeace.blogspot.com/2006/11/israel-condemns-resolution-condemning.html

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