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Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Monday, 20 November 2006.

In a dispatch posted at 8:40pm Makkah time Monday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that US occupation forces imposed a strangulation blockade on the city of al-Hadithah and the nearby towns of al-Haqlaniyah and Barwanah on the Upper Euphrates about 220km northwest of Baghdad. The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported that US troops proclaimed their blockade on the city using loudspeakers. The blockade, which went into force in al-Hadithah at dawn on Monday, and in al-Haqlaniyah and Barwanah on Sunday, included a curfew and ban on all pedestrian and motor traffic. Peasants are not allowed to bring their agricultural goods to market nor are residents of the towns currently away from home allowed to return to their houses, forcing them to camp out on the ground at checkpoints ringing the area. American troops also threatened to arrest anyone caught using a cellular telephone or accessing the Internet in the locked-down cities...


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Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Monday, 20 November 2006.

Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member, editorial board, the Free Arab Voice

resistenza 29 - 30 aprile.jpeg

Monday, 20 November 2006.


·       US forces lock down cities around al-Hadithah, impose curfew, blockade, ban on cell phone and internet use.


·       Two US troops reported killed in Resistance bombing in al-Baghdadi.


·       Details emerge of abduction of puppet "Deputy Minister of Health" in Baghdad Sunday, in sophisticated operation thought to have been carried out by Iraqi Resistance.


·       Puppet regime officials cower in "Green Zone" following abduction of puppet "Deputy Health Minister" and spate of Monday attacks in Baghdad.


Al-Anbar Province.



US forces lock down cities around al-Hadithah, impose curfew, blockade, ban on cell phone and internet use.


In a dispatch posted at 8:40pm Makkah time Monday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that US occupation forces imposed a strangulation blockade on the city of al-Hadithah and the nearby towns of al-Haqlaniyah and Barwanah on the Upper Euphrates about 220km northwest of Baghdad.


The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported that US troops proclaimed their blockade on the city using loudspeakers. The blockade, which went into force in al-Hadithah at dawn on Monday, and in al-Haqlaniyah and Barwanah on Sunday, included a curfew and ban on all pedestrian and motor traffic.  Peasants are not allowed to bring their agricultural goods to market nor are residents of the towns currently away from home allowed to return to their houses, forcing them to camp out on the ground at checkpoints ringing the area.


American troops also threatened to arrest anyone caught using a cellular telephone or accessing the Internet in the locked-down cities.

As to the reason for the sudden lockdown of the cities, the correspondent said that it had been reported, but not confirmed, that an Iraqi Resistance sharpshooter had killed a high-ranking US officer on Sunday.


In a dispatch posted at 6:51am GMT Quds Press reported that having locked down the cities of al-Hadithah, Barwanah, and al-Haqlaniyah US troops had been carrying out massive raids and had arrested about 20 Iraqis.  Large numbers of American occupation troops were seen patrolling the streets of the area.  Quds Press reported that the American decision to lock down the cities was prompted by a car bomb attack on a checkpoint manned by US and Iraqi puppet troops in al-Haqlaniyah that took place on Sunday morning.




Resistance car bomb targets puppet police checkpoint in ar-Ramdi midday Monday.


In a dispatch posted at 4:40pm Makkah time Monday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance explosives-laden car blew up by an Iraqi puppet police check point in ar-Ramadi, about 110km west of Baghdad at midday, local time, Monday.


The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported a source in the puppet security forces as saying that the car bomb exploded by the al-Bu 'Alyan checkpoint in the middle of the city, killing two puppet policemen and wounding six more, three of those severely.


The source said that the checkpoint was locate near the home of Jamil al-Muhanna, one of the tribal leaders who joined the so-called "al-Anbar Salvation Council" under the sponsorship of the US occupation.


US troops kill two Iraqi civilians near checkpoint in ar-Ramadi Sunday evening.


In a dispatch posted at 2:37pm Makkah time Monday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that US occupation troops shot and killed two Iraqi civilians in eastern ar-Ramadi, about 110km west of Baghdad on Sunday evening.


The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported eyewitnesses as saying that US troops at a checkpoint on a main street near the al-Mal'ab section of eastern ar-Ramadi opened fire on a group of civilians for no apparent reason.  The witnesses said that the shooting left two Iraqi civilians dead.




Resistance assaults puppet army headquarters in al-Karmah Monday morning.


In a dispatch posted at 2:21pm Baghdad time Monday afternoon, the Association of Muslim Scholars of Iraq reported that fierce fighting had taken place in the al-Karmah area just east of al-Fallujah at 9am local time Monday morning.


The report posted on the Association’s website said that Iraqi Resistance fighters assaulted the headquarters of the Iraqi puppet army in the middle of al-Karmah sparking a violent battle that lasted for more than half an hour in which light, medium, and heavy weapons were used.


Witnesses reported that the sounds of explosions could be heard coming from various areas during the fighting and that plumes of smoke could be seen rising from the puppet army headquarters attacked by the Resistance men.


US troops arrived on the scene after the fighting had died down and cordoned off the area, preventing any information on the nature or extent of casualties and damage from leaking out.




Two US troops reported killed in Resistance bombing in al-Baghdadi.


In a dispatch posted at 12:44pm Makkah time Monday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US military patrol in the city of al-Baghdadi, about 200km northwest of Baghdad


The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported residents of al-Baghdadi who witnessed the attack as saying that a US patrol was driving along the main al-Baghdadi Street near one of the American headquarters when the bomb, which had been planted by the side of the road, blew up.  The witnesses said that the blast totally destroyed a Humvee, killing at least two American troops and wounding two or three more.




Resistance fighters attack puppet police patrol in northern Baghdad Sunday afternoon.


In a dispatch posted at 11:44am Makkah time Monday morning, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Iraqi Resistance men equipped with light arms attacked an Iraqi puppet police patrol in northern Baghdad on Sunday afternoon.


The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported a source in the Iraqi puppet police as saying that the Resistance men opened fire intensely on a puppet police patrol in the as-Salikh neighborhood of northern Baghdad, sparking a 15-minute fire fight with light arms.


Afterwards, the puppet police closed off the entire area surrounding the scene of the ambush.  No information on the nature or extent of casualties was available.  Eyewitnesses said, however, that two patrol vehicles  were clearly damaged in the attack.


Details of the abduction of puppet "Deputy Minister of Health" in Baghdad Sunday.


In a dispatch posted at 7:55pm Makkah time Monday night, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that it had obtained details of the abduction of the deputy puppet "Minister of Health" 'Ammar as-Saffar from his home in Baghdad on Sunday evening, by men wearing uniforms of puppet security agencies.


As-Saffar was taken from his home in the al-Maghrib Ministerial area of northern Baghdad.  As-Saffar is a member of the pro-American Shi'i sectarian Da'wah party, to which the American-installed puppet "Prime Minister" Nuri al-Maliki also belongs.


Mafkarat al-Islam reported a source in the Iraqi puppet security apparatus, who asked not to be identified, as saying that at 5:45pm local time Sunday evening four white cars with tinted windows driven by men wearing official black uniforms pulled up by the deputy puppet "Minister’s" house, as did two "Monica" vehicles (Toyota Landcruisers) belonging to the puppet "Iraqi Interior Ministry" driven by men wearing the uniform of the Iraqi puppet "Special Forces."


Upon arriving at the house, located on al-Maghrib Street on the edge of al-A'zamiyah and near the Hospital for Diseases of the Kidney, the men in the vehicles got out, raised the iron roadblock and asked the seven guards, who were equipped with modern arms, to tell the deputy puppet "Minister" that an important person was urgently waiting for him in the so-called "Green Zone" where the American occupation has its headquarters in Baghdad.


When the puppet "Deputy Minister" as-Saffar came out in casual attire, he was asked respectfully to get into one of the cars.  He told the men that he had to change first, however.  The men told him that the matter was urgent and there was no need for him to change clothes.  This caused the puppet "Deputy Minister" to question their identity and also their identity papers, which indicated that they were with the puppet "Personal Guards Department."


The men then pushed as-Saffar forcibly into one of the cars.  One of the bodyguards at the home moved to open fire on the men, but they shot him on the spot.  The other guards ran for cover and began firing at the kidnappers from a distance but by that time the cars had driven off at "insane speed" and had reached the far end of al-Maghrib Street.


About 15 minutes later, the source said, US and Iraqi puppet army forces arrived and surrounded the area.  They found nothing significant but were still surrounding the puppet "Deputy Minister’s" home on Monday morning.


The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported that this account of the abduction of the puppet "Deputy Minister" strongly suggested that it was the Iraqi Resistance that had kidnapped as-Saffar in a hitherto unprecedented highly sophisticated operation.


This supposition appeared to be confirmed by the spate of attacks on puppet regime officials that swept occupied Baghdad on Monday.  Targeted for attack on Monday were the puppet "Minister for the Tribes," Muhammad al-'Uraybi; the puppet "Deputy Administrative Minister of Health," Hakim az-Zamili; a "General Director" in the puppet "Ministry of Trade," Amir Ahmad; and a high ranking officer in the 2nd Division of the Iraqi puppet army.


It would appear, the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent said, that as-Saffar had provided useful information to his captors about other top officials in the puppet regime, facilitating the Monday attacks.


Iraqi Resistance seen behind spate of attacks on puppet regime officials in Baghdad on Monday.


An ambush and attempt to abduct the puppet "Minister for the Tribes," Muhammad al-'Uraybi took place on Muhammad al-Qasim Road in Baghdad.  The puppet "Minister" miraculously escaped, fleeing to an American camp together with his bodyguards.


An attempt was made on the life of the puppet "Deputy Administrative Minister of Health," Hakim az-Zamili in the predominantly Sunni al-Fadl District of central Baghdad Monday.  Az-Zamili was traveling in a motorcade and it was his armor-plated car alone came under attack.  Two of az-Zamili’s bodyguards were killed and four more of his staff were wounded, including his driver.  It is possible but has not been confirmed that az-Zamili himself was also wounded in the attack.


Amir Ahmad, the puppet "General Director of the Southern Branch of the Public Seed Company" was the target of an assassination attempt in the as-Salikh section of Baghdad.  No further information was published about that assault.


Five Iraqi puppet army troops were killed when armed men attacked the motorcade of puppet army Staff Major General Husayn Sa'dun Salim on the highway in the al-Ghazaliyah area of western Baghdad.


A Sunni collaborator who is a member of the American created puppet "Parliament" told Mafkarat al-Islam that in view of the kidnapping of as-Saffar and the spate of attacks on other puppet officials, everyone who has had personal dealings with as-Saffar has been taking special precautions.  Some of them have simply decided to stay permanently in the "Green Zone" not going out for fear of being killed.


'Ammar Husayn as-Saffar was born in an-Najaf in 1956.  He fled to Iran after a death sentence was passed against him after he was convicted of giving aid to the Iranian "Revolutionary Guard" during the Iran-Iraq War.  As-Saffar settled in Iran and attained a high post in the Shi'i sectarian Da'wah Party.  He is known for having a narrow Shi'i sectarian mentality, a fact displayed recently when he refused to let employees of the 'Adnan Khayrallah Hospital Blood Bank provide blood for victims of a sectarian attack on the predominantly Sunni al-A'zamiyah section of Baghdad, and when he refused to allow oxygen to be sent to the Provincial Hosptial for Premature Infants in predominantly Sunni al-Anbar Province, on the pretext that the Resistance can use oxygen tanks in the manufacture of bombs.


As-Saffar was given the post of puppet "Deputy Minister of Health" in the current cabinet of fellow Da'wah Party member Nuri al-Maliki despite widespread reports that his medical degree was a forgery which he was nevertheless able to get "confirmed" in the puppet "Ministry of Higher Education" after the American occupation of the country when forgery of documents had become rife.


At-Ta’mim Province.



Resistance bomb targets puppet police patrol in ar-Riyad, south of Kirkuk, Monday morning.


In a dispatch posted at 12:36pm Makkah time Monday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by an Iraqi puppet police patrol south of Kirkuk on Monday morning.


The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported a source in the Iraqi puppet police as saying that a bomb that had been planted by the side of the road in the ar-Riyad area, some 30km south of Kirkuk, went off as a puppet police patrol drove past.


Eyewitnesses said that the blast heavily damaged one patrol vehicle and wounded three puppet policemen in varying degrees of severity.  They were later taken to hospital for treatment.


US forces carry out searches, arrests in villages south of Kirkuk Sunday night.


In a dispatch posted at 12:36pm Makkah time Monday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that a joint force of US troops and their Iraqi puppet army allies launched a campaign of searches and arrests south of Kirkuk on Sunday night.


The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported eyewitnesses as saying that occupation troops and their allies raided and searched villages in the Daquq area supposedly looking for "gunmen," the expression they used for Iraqi Resistance fighters.


Eyewitnesses reported that three local villagers were arrested but the witnesses affirmed that non of them belonged to any armed organization.




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