In the name of God the Most Beneficent the Most Merciful
The Arab Baath Socialist Party
One Arab Nation, with an eternal mission
Unity, Freedom, Socialism
Let's foil, with the unity of the armed Resistance, the conspiracy to divide Iraq.
With the US congress' insisting to divide Iraq, there is no more room today for discussion or debate, the decisive hour has come and every one should choose his real trench. For what happened since the invasion and specially transforming Iraq internal setup by both occupations, US and Iranian, ascertains and without the slightest doubt what our Party has warned about many a times before and after the invasion : that the ultimate objective is to dismember every Arab country one after the other or at the same time.
The US and Iran insistence to fuel and heighten the sectarian (fitna) ill feeling in Iraq and the systematic destruction of every normal human life in our homeland, were interconnected steps designed to pave the way for the right environment to divide Iraq.
Now all the masks have fallen and all the US and Iranian lies have been uncovered concerning the unity of Iraq that they have no intention to divide it! In the meanwhile, the official division is ready thanks to the complete US - Iranian entente: first organize a temporary confederation, then, declare independent states on the ruins of the patriotic Iraqi entity.
Therefore, the time for talks is over! What is requested from all the Iraqi Resistance factions and all the Iraqi patriotic forces should be the following:
1- The immediate unity of all the Resistance factions. The non existence of the unity of all the Iraqi Resistance factions and the relying on ideological understanding, is a dangerous lacuna which might divide the Resistance instead of unifying it.
Our Party warns from the dangers of some known Islamic currents which consider many of the fundamental combating factions in the Iraqi Resistance and in the Iraqi patriotic forces, as infidels or Takfiris..and fight them either by arms or through Takfiri Fatwas.. This is the most dangerous situation, facing Iraq' liberation. The US exploited this breach in al Anbar to strike all the Resistance factions under the pretext of fighting al Qaeda.
In the past, every one including those who spread the Islamic faith, used to strike deals with the non Muslims to accelerate victory. In modern times, peoples didn't get rid of colonialism unless through a global alliance which included all the anti colonialists forces be clerics or atheists as it happened in Vietnam. So will those who use now infidelity and faith as a criteria to divide the Resistance and the Iraqi patriotic movement, ever comprehend that this is exactly what serves the Occupation and helps it stay instead of forcing it to withdraw? Our Party, therefore, sincerely calls upon all the combating organizations to let aside their division and to hold on to a real unity of all the combatants and transform the groups newly formed into a global combating unity which includes all the factions without exception. This is the most important request to achieve victory, foil and wreck the US Occupation and Iran' tactics to divide the Resistance.
2- Get rid of any ideological rows in between the Resistance factions for the time being for any disagreement now, can turn into a real ill feeling (fitna)! That is why all should avoid mutual suspicion or criticizing each other.
3- The Iraqi patriotic forces which back the Resistance should unite too in a global Front which includes every body. Indeed! Any delay is a sign of lack of awareness on what is going on in Iraq and on how to confront dangers.
4- All the educated Iraqi and Arab circles should act immediately, actively and globally to expose this US' new move and exercise complete and multilateral pressure to convey a message to the US' congress, the US' administration and the US' public opinion.. and tell them that dividing Iraq is a crime, surpassing with its gravity and its devastating consequences, all the US administration' crimes in Iraq so far and which lets the door wide open to extremely dangerous events, the US will never be exempted of or be able to escape.
5- The United Nation bears directly the responsibility to protect Iraq's regional unity. Iraq is a founder member state of the UN whose pact insists on equal sovereignty for every nation and the protection of its national independence. True! The United Nations are weak and influenced by the reigning superpowers, but its stand even officially or in theory can help in some ways, control the US rampaging buffalo behavior.
Last, Baathists, be combatants or militants, must prepare themselves to a new phase for liberation and to protect the Iraqi national unity, based above all on intensifying the armed struggle as the fundamental mean to guarantee the complete liberation and the defeat of the Occupation.. They bear too the fundamental responsibility to create the global national Front, in Iraq or in the Arab homeland.
Long live Iraq, united, free, and Arab where all its components are respected!
Long live the Armed Iraqi National Resistance, the sole and unique representative of the Iraqi people!
Long live the unity of the Armed Resistance, the key to the liberation of Iraq!
Iraq Leadership
Iraq Culture and Information Bureau
The Arab Baath Socialist Party
Baghdad, Iraq on the 30th September 2007
Baghdad, Martyr Saddam Hussein's Capital City
The Iraqi glorious Resistance has made out of the US, a pariah country, loathed and hated, every where, from the rising sun to the setting sun on this planet.
*Translated by Abu Assur.