Syria News - November 12, 2012 (Warning: Graphic Videos)
November 12, 2012 -By the end of Monday the LCC managed to document 155 martyrs including 5 children and 3 women, 50 martyrs were reported in Damascus and it's suburbs; 38 in Aleppo; 35 in Hasakeh; 9 in Deir Ezzor; 7 in Raqqa; 6 in Homs; 5 in Idlib; 4 in Daraa; and 1 in Banyas The LCC managed to document 124 points which were exposed to shelling, 53 points were shelled by artillery, 47 by mortars and 24 by missiles. The fiercest shelling was reported in Damascus and its Suburbs where 63 points were exposed to shelling and clashes, 46 points were exposed to shelling and clashes in Aleppo and 32 points were exposed to shelling and clashes in Idlib. The FSA had clashes with the regime forces in 75 points and was able to destroy several military vehicles in Raqqa and shoot down a plane in Bokamal in Deir Ezzor in addition to arresting many units of the regime forces in Damascus Suburbs and Aleppo...
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Syria News - November 12, 2012 (Warning: Graphic Videos)
Local Coordination Committees of Syria + Videos
November 12, 2012
Retrieving Martyrs from Under the Rubble Due to the Shelling of Saqaba, Damascus Suburbs
Members of a branch of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command (known as Allijan Asha'abiya in Syria) killed at least 12 people in Athiyabiya on November 12, 2012, when this footage was uploaded. The PFLP-GC in Syria has declared its allegiance to the regime and fights alongside Assad forces. Three bodies are seen in this footage, but the other nine remain in the street because snipers shoot at anyone who tries to retrieve the bodies.
Martyrs from Thyabia Massacre in Damascus Suburbs
Pulling the Corp of the Martyr Saied Fawaz Da'as in Babila in Damascus Suburbs
Martyr Safi Al-Halabi murdered by regime shelling
Damascus | Martyr Completely Burned from Regime Shelling, Under Rubble
Saqba | Damascus | Removal of Martyr from Under the Rubble
Martyrs Due to the Shelling of Yarmouk Camp, Damascus
Joubar | Damascus | Elderly Martyr Saeed Juha, Murdered by Regime Shelling
Martyrs Samer and Ahmad Oyoun from Douma,Damascus Suburbs
Martyr Saleh Fat'hi Al-Mansour in Hamouriah, Damascus Suburbs
Martyr Radwan Sukar in Jobar, Damascus
An Unidentied Body Showing Signs of Torture in Jesrin, Damascus Suburbs
The Wounded Due to the Missile Shelling at Saqaba, Damascus Suburbs
Aiding the Wounded Due to the Shelling of Hamouriah, Damascus Suburbs
Aftermath of Shelling at Jaouna Street in Yarmouk Camp, Damascus
Shelling from MiG Warplanes at Erbeen, Damascus Suburbs
Warplanes Drop Vacuum Bombs Over Hamouriah, Damascus Suburbs
Shelling at Hamouriah, Damascus Suburbs
Signs of Destruction in Harasta, Damascus Suburbs
Rocket Shelling on Jobar,Damascus
Fire After Shelling of Daraya in Damascus Suburbs
Martyrs and Wounded Due to the Shelling of Ras Al-Ain, Hasakeh
Wounded in the shelling on Ras Al Ain in the Al-Hasaka
Shelling in Ras Al Ain in the Al-Hasaka
Aftermath of Shelling at Ras Al-Ain City, Hasakeh
Pictures of an Explosion Due to the Shelling at Ras Al-Ain, Hasakeh
One more regime massacre of tiny innocents in Ma'arrat Al Numan.
Aafes: A man killed due to the indiscriminate shelling
This footage, filmed November 12, 2012, shows an area of Maarret Annuman that has been reduced to rubble due to MiG fighter jets' shelling. The city has for long been the target of regime attacks against the civilian population demanding freedom and an end to the totalitarian rule of Bashar Assad.
Ma’arrat Masrin: Regime forces bombard the town
The Martyr Mahmoud Shafeq Aldek in Tafad,Aleppo
Khan Qurqanawi | Aleppo | Historical Area Shelled by Regime Forces
Deir Ezzor
Abdallah Ghanam Basha Al-Nijris, FSA, martyred when he was shot by Assad forces in Deir Ezzor City
Hussein Al-Thalaj, FSA, martyred when he was shot by Assad forces in Deir Ezzor City
The massive destruction in Al-Omary mosque and a message from DeirEzzor people
Damage and destruction caused by shelling on the Faculty of Science in Al-Arfi Neighborhood
This footage, filmed November 12, 2012, shows live shelling of military warplanes against the city of Albokamal in Deir Ezzor province. The city has for long been the target of regime attacks against the civilian population demanding freedom and an end to the totalitarian rule of Bashar Assad.
Aerial Shelling at Bokamal, Deir Ezzor
Shelling on Bokmal in Deir Ezzor
Helicopter That Was Brought Down by FSA in Boukamal, Deir Ezzor
Rastan, Homs: people killed by the indiscriminate rocket shelling
Child Martyr Mohammed Al-Zoubi in Rastan, Homs, Syria
A makeshift hospital is overcrowded with wounded civilians as a result of indiscriminate shelling on residential areas. Assad forces continue to target stricken Arrastan in fierce shelling attacks on an almost daily basis. This footage was uploaded on November 12, 2012.
Al-Rastan | Homs | Regime Shell Explodes Nearby
Al-Rastan | Homs | Child Breaks Up Branches to Burn for Heat
The effects of the Shelling on a clinic in Al Qusoor neighborhood, Homs
Tafas: a child critically injured after been hit by a shrapnel
Herak: Many people wounded including women and children as a result of the heavy mortar shelling
Security and Thugs Invade Salah Eddien Mosque in Ataman,Daraa
By the end of Monday the LCC managed to document 155 martyrs including 5 children and 3 women, 50 martyrs were reported in Damascus and it's suburbs; 38 in Aleppo; 35 in Hasakeh; 9 in Deir Ezzor; 7 in Raqqa; 6 in Homs; 5 in Idlib; 4 in Daraa; and 1 in Banyas The LCC managed to document 124 points which were exposed to shelling, 53 points were shelled by artillery, 47 by mortars and 24 by missiles. The fiercest shelling was reported in Damascus and its Suburbs where 63 points were exposed to shelling and clashes, 46 points were exposed to shelling and clashes in Aleppo and 32 points were exposed to shelling and clashes in Idlib. The FSA had clashes with the regime forces in 75 points and was able to destroy several military vehicles in Raqqa and shoot down a plane in Bokamal in Deir Ezzor in addition to arresting many units of the regime forces in Damascus Suburbs and Aleppo.
Damascus: Tadamun: Defected Seregeant Noor Dein Adnan Qaderi was martyred during clashes between the FSA and regime foces on Friday 09/11/2012, He is from Inkhel, Daraa.
Homs: Rastan: Adnan Tlas Ferzat and his wife Zahra Issa were martyred by the regime forces' gunfire.
Homs: Qusair: Yousef Ibrahim Tlas and Yousef Mahmoud Tlas were martyred by the regime's gunfire. Both are from Rastan.
Homs: Rastan: Renewed fierce artillery shelling of the city by the Engineering Battalion at the north part of the city.
Raqqa: Tabka: 20 soldiers defected from Dubsi Aftan Town Hall, where the Free Syrian Army secured them; clashes are still ongoing in the building.
Homs: Rastan: Renewed fierce artillery shelling of the city by the Engineering Battalion at the north part of the city.
Deir Ezzor: Jbeileh: Ayman Jaber AlNaser was martyred in the clashes between the Free Syrian Army and the regime's forces in the neighborhood today.
Damascus Suburbs: Sayeda Zainab: Massive artillery shelling via mortar bombs by the regime's forces in the city.
Idlib: Harm: Bashar Nazeer Al-Bashi was martyred, a member of the Free Syrian Army. He is from Kafertakhareem, Idlib.
Daraa: Eastern Maleeha: Massive clashes between the Free Syrian Army and the regime's forces in Western Maleeha. Shelling from the Western Maleeha checkpoints.
Damascus: Jobar: Mohammad Idriss was martyred, a member in the Free Syrian Army, in the Eastern Ghota.
Homs: Rastan: Renewal of artillery and rocket shelling by Engineering Battalion in the north area of the city.
Damascus: Midan: Feirce clashes between Free Syrian Army and regime forces was reported in old Zahera.
Lattakia: Salma: Heavy rocket shelling of the town and surrounding villages was reported, it is coming from Inbatah observatory.
Banyas: Heavy gunfire was reported in the city.
Damascus Suburbs: Daraya: Heavy artillery shelling targeting residential neighborhoods of the city was reported
Lattakia: Salma: Heavy rocket shelling of the town and surrounding villages was reported, it is coming from Inbatah observatory.
Banyas: Heavy gunfire was reported in the city.
Daraa: Basr al-Harir: Heavy shelling by rocket launchers targeting the town, the shelling is coming from the 12th brigade positioned in Izraa.
Damascus Suburbs: Daraya: Ongoing shelling along with heavy gunfire from Abo Salah and Automatic Bakery checkpoints.
Damascus Suburbs: Qalamoun: Massive warplanes shelling in Housh Arab village accompanied with electrical blackout as a result of bombs falling into the Electricity Generators.
Damascus Suburbs: Thyabia: A Massacre by the regime's forces, 11 civilian martyrs by Sayeda Zainab shabiha's Knives were reported. Some are Ali Husain Raheel, Nassar Al-Ajrami, Hussain Faroq.
Damascus Suburbs: Mouadamiyeh El-Sham: artillery shelling by the regime's forces by the 4th Division in the city.
Raqqa: Tabqa: Massive gunfire by a middle machine guns in the city.
Aleppo: Bab: Warplane shelling on the entrance of the city with heavy machine guns.
Damascus Suburbs: Harasta: Zakaria Fayad, Mohamad Ahmad Zaitoun both were soldier in the FSA and Abdulrazek Yousef Hasanen were martyred by a sniper bullet.
Aleppo: Tadef: Warplane shelling on the eastern areas of the town.
Daraa: The FSA shells the Panorama filed using mortars shelling where a big number of the regime army are located which led to a heavy security and army deployment and tanks shelling by the regime army on the surrounding area.
Deir Ezzor: Mayaden: Zuhair Hawah Al-Shehan a FSA soldier was martyred while the FSA was surrounding the Madfa'eh brigade in the area.
Damascus Suburbs: Muqalbieh: Huge explosion due to the fall of a shell on the southern area of the town from the Grand checkpoint.
Damascus Suburbs: Eastern Ghotah: The defected soldier Abdullah Younes Mo'aty, who's originally from Idlib was martyred due to the warplane shelling on the area.
Idlib: Jiser Shoghour: Sheikh Sabah Kurdy the Imam of Omar Khatab mosque who was arrested in September of 2011 and his family received his dead body today.
Daraa: Clashes between the FSA and the regime army and electricity block out in the Panorama area.
Raqqa: Debsy Afnan: Clashes between the FSA and the regime army durning that the FSA destroyed 3 tanks and detained several of soldiers from the regime army.
Raqqa: Debsy Afnan: The FSA target the air security branch located at the entrance of the city.
Deir Ezzor: Rocket has fallen on Ordy neighborhood that targeted a public park and destroyed several building in the area
Damascus Suburbs: Saqba: Amer Abdullah AbdulBaset was martyred by a sniper bullet.
Damascus: Tadamoun: Defection of 30 of the regime soldiers and joining the FSA.
Daraa: Otman: Massive artillery shelling by the regime's forces and tens of bombs fall in the city.
Hasakeh: Ras Al-Ain: Shelling via helicopters on Asfar Najar and the surrounding locations, four rockets were reported.
Daraa: Hrak: Massive shelling by the regime's forces, tens of shells were reported and smoke covered the sky, accompanied with massive clashes between the Free Syrian Army and the regime's army.
Homs: Josieh: Heavy artillery shelling from the checkpoints surrounding the village is reported, along with heavy gunfire from the checkpoint located the village's northern entrance.
Daraa: Hrak: Fierce clashes between the Free Syrian Army and the regime's army are reported.
Damascus Suburbs: Douma: Khaled Ahmed Ayrout, 60, was martyred due to a field-execution at Samadi checkpoint.
Homs: Rastan: Walid Makhzoum was martyred in Ghernata town by regime forces after they had kidnapped him. They then threw his body at the junction of Western Fehaila.
Damascus Suburbs: Theyabieh: Hussein Farouk Abowena and Ahmed Farouk Abowena were martyred due to a field-execution by the regime's shabiha.
Daraa: Ghezwan Mohammed Al-Hariri was martyred after he was arrested by regime forces. He was from Soura village.
Damascus: Tadamon: A shell exploded in the vegetable market in Zuhour neighborhood, near Omar Bin Al-Khattab mosque.
Raqqa: Dabsi Afnan: Heavy shelling using artillery and warplanes is reported at the town.
Deir Ezzor: Fierce clashes between the Free Syrian Army and the regime's army are reported in Cinema Al-Fouad street.
Deir Ezzor: Bokamal: Aerial shelling of Bokamal is reported and 3 air raids have taken place so far.
Aleppo: Abdullah Ahmed Afsh, a Free Syrian Army member, was martyred during clashes with the regime's army in Leramoun.
Aleppo: Powerful explosions are heard from the Air Force Intelligence branch's direction, in conjunction with warplanes in the sky which are shelling Leramoun.
Lattakia: Kurds Mountain: Artillery and missile shelling by regime forces is reported in the villages of the mountain.
Idlib: Maaret Al-Nouman: Several people were wounded and several homes were destroyed due to the heavy aerial shelling by regime forces at the neighborhoods of Maaret Al-Nouman.
Aleppo: The body of an unidentified martyr, showing signs of torture, was found near the Airport bridge.
Damascus Suburbs: Bebila: Anas Al-Sheikha was martyred due to regime forces' gunfire at Sidi Meqdad checkpoint.
Homs: Rastan: Mohammed Al-Zoubi, 14, was martyred and several people were wounded due to the renewed heavy shelling of the city by regime forces.
Damascus Suburbs: Erbeen: 2 air raids by MiG warplanes are reported in the city.
Damascus Suburbs: Hamouriah: Several wounded were reported due to the mortar shelling of the town.
Damascus Suburbs: Hamouriah: Saleh Fat'hi Al-Mansour was martyred due to the heavy shelling of the town.
Heavy shellingof Deir Baalbeh neighborhood using Shilka and tanks is reported, accompanied by fierce clashes between the Free Syrian Army and the regime's army in Seteen street. This is amid attempts by regime forces to storm the neighborhood and the FSA blocking these attempts and forcing them to retreat.
Yarmouk Camp: Suhad Mohammed Abo Labda was martyred due to wounds she received during the shelling of the Camp.
Hasakeh: Ras Al-Ain: The number of martyrs has risen to 16 and several people were wouned due to the heavy aerial shelling of the city.
Damascus Suburbs: Eastern Ghota: Heavy shelling from MiG warplanes and more than 10 air raids were reported at Erbeen, Douma, Saqaba and the farms of Eastern Ghota.
Bebila: A person was martyred inside his car by gunfire from the checkpoint at Sidi Meqdad and residents are unable to reach the body due to snipers targeting anything that moves.
Idlib: Kafrouma: Heavy shelling of the town is reported and the town's school was targeted. This was accompanied by heavy artillery shelling, with 25 shells landing in the town after a heavy air raid took place.
Idlib: Kafrouma: More than 25 shells landed in the town after an air raid was launched by the regime's warplanes.
Erbeen: Several wounded were reported due to the artillery shelling of the city by regime forces from the Motor-Vehicles Department.
Daraya: Randa Daghmoush was martyred due to a regime sniper's gunfire.
Hasakeh: Seri Kaneeh: 7 martyrs and several wounded were reported due to the aerial shelling by regime forces at Mahata street, which is near the silos.
Idlib: Kafrouma: Shelling with Shilka and heavy machine guns by regime forces is accompanied by heavy gunfire from the regime's sniper that are located on the main road.
Damascus Suburbs: Zamalka: Continued shelling with missiles and machine guns from warplanes is reported in the city.
Raqqa: Heavy artillery shelling at the towns of Msheirfa and Kreen is reported.
Damascus: Aerial shelling, which is the heaviest so far, is reported at the cities and towns of Eastern Ghota and sounds of explosions are shaking the capital.
Idlib: Kafrouma: Heavy aerial shelling of the town is reported and the town's school is targeted. This is accompanied by heavy artillery shelling.
Damascus: Warplanes are flying over the capital and are heading towards Eastern Ghota.
Raqqa: 4 martyrs were reported from Saqa'eq battalion due to the warplane shelling on Ras Ain boarder crossing.
Homs: Rastan: Renewed artillery and rocket shelling from Muhandesen battalion in the northern of the city.
Homs: Rastan: Shelling with artillery and missile launchers from the Engineering Battalion, located north of the city, is reported.
Raqqa: Dabsi Afnan: 2 martyrs were reported due to the aerial shelling of the area of Dabsi Afnan.
Damascus: Yarmouk Camp: Imad Oraby, Jihad Younes and Imad Younes were martyred due to the heavy shelling on the camp.
Damascus Suburbs: Beit Sahem: Renewed the heavy artillery shelling by tanks on the city since the early morning.
Deir Ezzor: Bokmal: The FSA drops a helicopter who was above Hamdan Military Airport.
Al-Qanetra: Ba'ir Aajm: Heavy clashes between the Free Syrian Amry and regime forces and heavy shelling by tanks and mortar strikes.
Damascus Suburbs: Al-Sayeda Zaynab: Heavy artillery shelling accompanied by loud noises of explosions during the shelling of the cities nearby.
Damascus Suburbs:Bibela: Heavy shelling and over 20 mortar strikes have fallen on the town till this moment. Accompanied by helicopters flying in the sky of the town.
Hasaka: Ra'as AlAin: Heavy shelling by warplanes on the city and the penetration of the sound barrier.
Damascus Suburbs: Qitna: Helicopters fly over the area towards the direction of Aysem.
Damascus: Most of the families residing in the area of Falasteen street and the neighborhood of Al-Tadamoon are migrating to the direction of Yarmouk camp, afraid of the random shelling and gunfire.
Damascus: Al-Hajar Al-Aswad: The renewal of shelling on the neighborhood for the 34th consecutive day. Along with helicopters flying over the sky of the neighborhood.
Damascus Suburbs: Zamalka: Heavy shelling by missiles and machine guns of warplanes on the city.
Damascus:Heavy artillery shelling is targetting the southern neighborhoods Yarmouk camp, Tadamoon, of the capital. And the noises of the shellings are shaking most the neighborhoods of the capital.
Yarmouk Camp: Heavy clashes between the Free Syrian Army and regime forces on Falasteen street alongside with huge explosions that shook the area.
Damascus: Heavy sounds of gunfire from Abbasen and Baghdad Street.
Damascus: Violent explosion that shake the entire capital.
:: Article nr. 92616 sent on 14-nov-2012 16:37 ECT
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