After our successfull counter recruitment action on Tuesday, the right wing decided to resort to personal threats and intimidation. SAW Press team members received hundreds of threatening emails and phone calls, after inflammatory blogger Michelle Malkin put the students' personal information on her blog. More than a dozen other websites followed suit. She refused to remove the information, even after she was politely asked and the safety concderns were brought to her attention. Below is a small sample of the emails. Voicemails coming soon.
From: Wayne
Subject: shame on you
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 21:30:26 -0400
You will pay for your seditious activities. It is only a matter of
time...We are retired military snipers & we are watching you...
From: Hermy Flenagin
Subject: Military
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 07:24:54 -0700 (PDT)
Girls (and other assorted shitdicks),
My sincere hope is that a couple hundred of the local patriots take a
day off work for your next anarchist event, and come down to your
little shithole with some axe handles and bust your fucking heads.
Short of that, I certainly hope the Feds stop sending money to your
dicklicking junior college.
From: Peter Peanut
Subject: I hope...
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 09:38:44 -0700 (PDT) a fine young American very, very soon puts his shiny gun barrel
up to your left temple and pulls the trigger. Now THAT will make
America a much, much better place to live for the rest of us, you
utterly disgusting piece of shit...
"Hearing a Western woman talk about how she might want to become a
Muslim is like hearing black Americans talk about how they might want
to become slaves."
From: "Tom Ault"
Subject: outrage!
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 13:19:52 -0400
You intolerant left wing socialist fucking cock-suckers. We're coming
to get you and when we do we'll hurt you..REAL BAD!
From: Christopher Boylan
Subject: Go fuck yourself
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 21:50:35 -0400
Fucking pansy douchebag, you're lucky one of those recruiters didn't
put his foot up your silly little ass. Get cancer, you traitorous shit
breath cocksucker.
From: primus1
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 11:20:39 +0200
From: "Victor M. Sanchez, Jr."
Subject: Useful Idiots
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 17:15:04 -0500
You 3 are a bunch of useful idiots. Instead of marching around with
your silly Peacenik slogans you should either pick up a weapon and
defend this country from Islamofascists or just Shut The F*** Up. Or
just get back to class...idealistic, wet-behind the ears ingrates.